Recent Posts of member mikeinaz


By mikeinaz at 03,May,19 22:04
Just want to say that your avatar is one of the hottest shots on here. It stops me dead every time I see it

By mikeinaz at 20,Jan,17 13:54
Thanks for this, AussieMan Great pubic hair, too!

By mikeinaz at 09,Jan,17 13:54
Oh yeah! I love to watch guys cum! When guys get warmed up are get further into it, they often lose their inhibitions and begin squirming their butts around start making facial expressions and almost involuntary twitches. It feels like a very special and private privilege to get see someone looking that vulnerable and natural and really enjoying how they're feeling. Judgments and all defenses just go out the window and you get to witness a completely intimate part of a person's personality. No matter whether it's a man or women. But it's especially fine to see men let down their guard this much, I guess cuz it's rarer to see

By mikeinaz at 25,Aug,16 20:49
Oh yes.. very pretty with your beautiful full bush

By mikeinaz at 25,Aug,16 20:30
I really do think my dick is pretty damned attractive. I was blessed with a larger and thicker than average one and I also think the pronounced flared bell shape of my glans is graceful and especially aesthetically pleasing as well as nicely proportional to my shaft. I also love my ample man-bush. I shaved it off once years ago and hated it!! I looked like I was eleven again and recalled how I could hardly wait for those first hairs of manhood to finally come it. No way they'll ever get shaved off again!.. Well, I do shave some strays on my scrotum.. but that just looks a bit cleaner and doesn't ruin the beautiful masculine look of a thick, manly bush.

For some reason that I can't explain, seeing a man's happy trail heading down from his belly button into his waistband or if lucky, his entire bush –or sometimes even catching a quick glimpse of a guy's underarm hair in public seems like a very special and private "privilege" (or delicious act of forbidden voyeurism) that just adds to sexual excitement for me. I find a few hairs around a man's nipples very sexy, too. Many guys' nipples are hard-wired to the head of their penis. Mine certainly are

In the U.S. a lot of guys will say, "Why the fuck would I ever want to look at a man's dick? Disgusting!"

Bullshit!! I think most men are pretty much in love with their own pleasure crank and enjoy admiring it, too. So it only makes sense that they're secretly highly curious to see how their own junk compares with what other men keep hidden away in their pants! Otherwise, this website wouldn't be so successful, would it? They're simply petrified of being thought of as "queer" or "homo" if they aren't real quick to show disgust by the very thought of looking or being interested in seeing another man's privates.

And by the way: If you're anywhere near Casa Grande, AZ.. I'd love to compare junk with any of you guys in person

By mikeinaz at 12,Jul,16 18:17
Just want to mention that your answer helped me, too. Thanks!!

By mikeinaz at 12,Jul,16 17:56
I can't seem to figure out how to send a private message to someone. I can receive them, but when I click on "send private message to (name)".. I'm sent to a page that says: "Private Chat with (name)"
Below this it says:
Private Upload for (name) blacklist this member Turn Sound Off At the bottom

below this is a solid line.. but I can't get a cursor to let me type anywhere on this page.. What am I doing wrong? ...And what does the check box "at the bottom" mean? And this seems to be some kind of "chat" page, anyway. I just want to send a short text "message"...

A "public message" is not a problem.. I see a textbox right on the person's page..

Somewhere someone mentioned a Q and A page.. I can't seem to find a link to that either.. help??

Thanks in advance, mikeinaz
--------------------------------------- added after 49 minutes

Never mind, everyone. I got it figured out. If you have the same issue. Set your browser's Adblock to allow this page.