Recent Posts of member RealScorpio3


By RealScorpio3 at 09,Nov,20 03:36
Trump has been the best 'Put U.S.A. First' president in recent history. He has advanced the lives of all citizens more than other presidents have done by providing an environment for business to thrive in the U.S.A. thereby giving the lowest unemployment rate. He got Europe to pay for their own defense, He brokered a mid-east peace treaty.
Biden now wants us deplorables to agree with the socialist views of his party. A party that NEVER cooperated with Trump's proposals but always wanted the opposite.

By RealScorpio3 at 15,Jul,20 23:53
Right on Scorps! The one freedom we have is if you do not like the system here, you are free to go to another country that has the system\ideals\goals to your liking.

By RealScorpio3 at 13,Dec,19 18:57
Especially cream pie.

By RealScorpio3 at 26,Nov,19 06:23
Absolutely correct regarding Democrats! However the swamp is not made up of just blue creatures there are a lot of red ones too.

By RealScorpio3 at 04,Nov,19 07:32
I think #1