Recent Posts of member Wrath


By Wrath at 05,Nov,24 13:45
I'm not a raging meth head like so many people on this site so I voted against Trump 🤭

By Wrath at 08,Sep,24 12:14

By Wrath at 08,Sep,24 12:14
I mean I love it

By Wrath at 08,Sep,24 12:13

By Wrath at 02,Apr,24 12:43
For me 8 inches, cut, white, well portioned, maybe slight curve

By Wrath at 22,Mar,24 13:06
Lol thx

By Wrath at 21,Mar,24 14:14

By Wrath at 21,Mar,24 14:14
Prob 8 inches

By Wrath at 28,Feb,24 01:34
17, it was...something haha

By Wrath at 28,Feb,24 01:34
Yes I live too, either or!

By Wrath at 28,Feb,24 01:33
Nah you just like cocks. Could be a number of things.

By Wrath at 28,Feb,24 01:33
I definitely prefer shaved cocks

By Wrath at 10,Feb,24 13:47
To me, yes. I like the feeling of a big dick. 8 inches is absolutely perfect

By Wrath at 10,Feb,24 13:43
Shaved, always

By Wrath at 08,Feb,24 02:51

By Wrath at 21,Jan,24 05:47
Done it twice. Not great tbh

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 19:06
Pure genetics. Nothing else

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 19:04
Cut only

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 18:55
Cut. White. 8 inches, head a bit wider than shape. Very slight curve

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 18:53

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 18:53

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 18:51