Recent Posts of member White_Mamba


By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 22:52
Why is BJUK on the dick site when he should be on the cunt site?

By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 01:20
TRUMP Sues Kamala for $91 Million Dollars!

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By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 00:51
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files lawsuit.

By White_Mamba at 24,Jul,24 00:47
You're a fucking idiot.

By White_Mamba at 23,Jul,24 04:28
25 mil.
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By White_Mamba at 23,Jul,24 04:08
She only made 25 million. not 81 million. Early polls shows the subburb in swing swing state absolutely hates her from the failed border crisis. Trump is favored with 318 votes 48 about the 270 needed.

Harris has to run because the president that won delegates in the primary can only give the VP the run off delegates if he quits his job during his turn adter he already won it. That would mean the primary everyone voted for nothing and you start off with zero delegates. No delegates no money, you're on your own.

. Anyone else that runs starts with 0 delegates and you might as well not even spend the money for the election. Trump is the president.

By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 23:19
The delegates Biden won in the primary can only be transfered to VP... You can still endorse someone else but it would cost a fortune out of pocket. They just don't have the money because their donors have abandoned them.

By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 20:20
I have a question for my frinds concerning a member on the site known as BJUK. He says he's a man but according to his pictures I was wondering.

You see, the pictures he has looks like an overgrown clitoris and not a penis. Nothing can be that small, dude its a clit. I was wondering according to site rules that if you have a clit you should be moved over to the cunt site?

I've been an xray tech for over 25 years. In order for me to get my license anatomy was a strict requirement. I can tell you from my experience that it is a clitoris, not a dick. No Way Man.

He says he wants to be king but I think he would be more suited as the queen of the site..

By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 20:19
I have a question for my frinds concerning a member on the site known as BJUK. He says he's a man but according to his pictures I was wondering.

You see, the pictures he has looks like an overgrown clitoris and not a penis. Nothing can be that small, dude its a clit. I was wondering according to site rules that if you have a clit you should be moved over to the cunt site?

I've been an xray tech for over 25 years. In order for me to get my license anatomy was a strict requirement. I can tell you from my experience that it is a clitoris, not a dick. No Way Man.

He says he wants to be king but I think he would be more suited as the queen of the site..

By White_Mamba at 22,Jul,24 03:35
I have a question for my frinds concerning a member on the site known as BJUK. He says he's a man but according to his pictures I was wondering.

You see, the pictures he has looks like an overgrown clitoris and not a penis. Nothing can be that small, dude its a clit. I was wondering according to site rules that if you have a clit you should be moved over to the cunt site?

I've been an xray tech for over 25 years. In order for me to get my license anatomy was a strict requirement. I can tell you from my experience that it is a clitoris, not a dick. No Way Man.

He says he wants to be king but I think he would be more suited as the queen of the site..

By White_Mamba at 12,Jul,24 16:42
I have a question. Why does BJUK act like a cunt-wipe-smear all the time. Once in a while yes but he is cement3ed into the books.
If you call him a cunt he turns into a triple thick cunt. A cunt is a cunt. BJUK fits this decription totally. He's so rude and nasty

By White_Mamba at 06,Jul,24 20:35
Ya think.

By White_Mamba at 06,Jul,24 03:18
From a great profit who once said many years ago:
BJUK is a cunt
That concludes the history lesson for today.

By White_Mamba at 01,Jul,24 05:18
Democrats and Repubicans, Good Guy's Bad Guy's, Wrestling had the hero versus the heel. Not real but great acting in WWF especially before hulkamania when they had to wrestle and act at the same time. It was a tough gig,, few made lots of money.

Here and now most of the republicans are lame actors. They suck suck suck but we are supposed to believe they are good and democrats that lie and cheat are the heels. Marco Rubio who is a senetor from florida is a 2 faced fucking weasel.

This is exactly what it is. Most Republicans are liars. Conservatives that are true and belong on capitol hill such as Marjorie Taylor Green are few in numbers but are great fighters.. Trump had a bitch of a time unifying the country because Paul Ryan fucked us big tine with him hiding the false russian dossier of that no good fuckassholeof biden wipe hillary clinton wrote it. The CIA, FbI, 95% of congres and butthole fucktard Mitch Mcconnel and Lyndsy grahm, pence were in on it. These people are crooks, they don't belong in government and the sooner they stop breathing will be the sooner this country is free.

Democrats just know how to divide the counry and pay criminal aliens to vote. They know how to advocate to an audience that is stupid with no reasoning common sense.That's it.. Get the picture? They suck suck and need to get back to hell with their p edophilia fucktard biden..

By White_Mamba at 01,Jul,24 03:54

By White_Mamba at 30,Jun,24 23:19
Trump is bad business for them. It disurps the business model. If america is going to survive they MUST remove the corruption and power from the deep state.

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 22:02
You train a dog wipeing his face with it. I'd make him eat it first.

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 22:01
I think BJUK does that but wipes him barehanded..

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 21:09
They are unified puppets for globalists that unite to form the same slogans of propaganda. Their playbook is to propagate crimes against Trump on charges they themselves are guilty for. Nobody we really know of is in charge of the deep state besides God who knows who the antichrist is. Democraps are nothing more that disgusting apostates filth of hell. The world is a better place wtihout them. Cody appears to be liberal in his feelings towards trump although they hate biden they would more likely vote for Kennedy Not all democrats votes are evil or stupid. Just like if you play in chess and lose its just because the winner came up with the right idea. That's how to win. Stick with the truth and learn from it,,,,,which favors trump over biden by 5 points more than without kennedy.oo Added 1% more with Jill Stein.

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 09:18
Quite probabably the same way a liberal wipes his ass.. Barehanded.

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 07:05
His plan was to let biden hang himself. Fell right into the noose. Trump knew exactly what to do and he profited. The only thing left is to cheat or to accidently(of course) ressurrect Lee Harvey Oswald ..

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 03:58
Obama takes orders from Soros and the bilderberg group of globalists let alone bohemian grove of ****philes. The democrats take lessons on learning out to outright lie with a straight face. All of them lie and congress and the senate is rigged.

By White_Mamba at 29,Jun,24 03:45
What would happen if they posted on the news. The news wants biden to win to keep power.. Hannity speciall.. Biden took a shit on the floor. If they published that crap the whole world would know and america is open season.
He got kicked out of the Vatican for doing the same thing. Never learn the lesson. I can't blame them. What would you do if Biden took a shit on your floor.. Ever hear of diapers?.

By White_Mamba at 28,Jun,24 08:35
I heard Biden took a nasty shit on the floor during the debates. Afterall he had to stand for 90 minutes. He must of felt so much better.

By White_Mamba at 23,Jun,24 17:50
only registered users can see external links Here is a piece frpm tje R.S that was created back in 1967 singing about the boston strangler. It was created on the "Sticky Fingers" album. Mic's voice is nothing much but when coupled with the execution from the rest of the band creates a masturpiece of longevity.

By White_Mamba at 23,Jun,24 17:47
women that are un-barbie like appear to have the strongest of hearts. There are exceptions but love is not based on looks alone. It's what stems from the heart.

By White_Mamba at 23,Jun,24 17:45
I agree with solo but unified they have created the best pieces in history or close to it. It takes everyone to make a chorus not just one.

By White_Mamba at 23,Jun,24 03:58
People just love him. Johnny Cash was an egg shell dying but still played. The fact that people got to see him whether he could sing or not doesn't matter. They loved him no matter what.

By White_Mamba at 15,Jun,24 03:21
Why do the french prefer snails?

---- They dislike fast food.

By White_Mamba at 15,Jun,24 03:20
I have a riddle..... Why do the french love snails?

They don't like fast food.... HA HA HA.

By White_Mamba at 12,Jun,24 04:36
There is NO right wing. Only right and wrong. I am educated with right and wrong and know the difference. If you aren't honest with yourself then it is not left wing. Its just wrong.
Go back to basic fundamentals of life, stop smoking dog shit then we can debate right and wrong.

By White_Mamba at 12,Jun,24 04:34
communism, socialism or whatever the fuck you call it is a result of a government take over. A government that overpowers people. Eventually all empires will come to an end when you stop blowing the president.

By White_Mamba at 11,Jun,24 03:09
Not one time in human history for any governed society has socialism worked.Eventually it leads to failure. The only reason anyone even thinks socialism works is either stupid or they are the dictators propagating freedom through socialism or thier twisted means of defining democracy.

By White_Mamba at 09,Jun,24 01:44
You know that's a lie. I've seen all them libtard martians smoken on them dog doo doo joints.

By White_Mamba at 09,Jun,24 00:52
Here is the truth. Back in 2020 Trump knew they were going to cheat in the election. He could have pressed further with the evidence but it still would have maintained instability with his constituents versus the smart liberals The dumb vote was too much back in 2016 which he did win versus 2020 where they cheated.
If you go to x22report there is a guy named Dave. He has been in Trumps secret meetings about what the plan was. He knew Joe Biden to be incomepent. He knew the borders would be wide open. Now the country as a whole for the most part understands the difference between the radical left.

But don't just take my word for it. The polls don't lie if a republican is winning. Donald Trump is ahead in the POPULAR VOTE by over 6 points. He has double digit leads in half the swing states and is in the lead all others. The momentum has been leaning Red for quite some time and the derivative or slop is increasing. In the Bronx he broke records for a political rally... How is that sir? He's a republican and by far beat democraps with theirs in all of history. Now in california for his rally its creating droves. He knows he is NOT going to win NY(down to 6% deficit) and especially CA... So why is he campaigning there? He has no chance of winnig both states. Why do you think he would spend money there? To win independent vote. We now know what it is like to live like hell for 4 years.. It's coming to an end .. They tried slandering him, convicting him. all is left is to kill him. Nothing is working or will work. They can't change the momentum.

This election will have little effect for national solidarity. In our current state we would need 2 to 3 elections for healing.

By White_Mamba at 08,Jun,24 23:47
YOu can't send links to teach common sense. Common sense you are not even close to having. I asked you a question--What the fuck is your problem?...... You don't know right?

By White_Mamba at 08,Jun,24 06:00
If you love Joe Biden so much and if he out qualifies trump why not get Joe Biden for your country so he can shit on your floor.

What's your fucking problem with Trump anyway. Every thing the media has slandered him was lies. What's your fucking problem. Trump is now ahead in virginia and is projected 347 votes.Your country hates Israel and Ibelieve you hate jews too, your personal bias is disgusting.

USA will be fine. Worry about yours since Israel will be boycotting Europe and its deserved. Your leaders suck with political bias. Go back smoking dog shit. Better for climate change.

If you want the socialists in your country then you open your borders. Leave ours the fuck alone.

By White_Mamba at 08,Jun,24 03:04
Ananas2xLekker .. You want evidence? You know how to read and research don't you? Netherlands -- right? NOt sure how to do it? Why not try smoking more of that high grade dog shit you've been bragging about and see if that works.

By White_Mamba at 06,Jun,24 20:17
We know the world is infested with fakes and tryants. Unfortunately they possess the most power for the time being. It's coming to an end. They just don't see it yet. Just like here where BJUK fakes infest the site..

By White_Mamba at 06,Jun,24 05:25

By White_Mamba at 06,Jun,24 00:43
Don't count your chickens just yet. Between now and then will be massive terror attacks here to divert attention. Remember their last resort is violence NOT convincing people peacefully to vote democrat. That and cheating in the ballot box where overwhelmingly has been proven. Unfortunately because of our corrupt justice system that accusation will not be followed through.

By White_Mamba at 05,Jun,24 23:03
Fanni Willis is exposed. I don't know if the judge in Atlanta is of same pickings. But in NYC it is true.
It really doesn't matter. What matters is the democraps of smoking dog shit all day know they can't win in the ballot box so they put their political enemies in jail INCLUDING their supporters. Just ask January 6th hostages..

By White_Mamba at 05,Jun,24 18:43
The Judge was hand picked who was a Biden donor by which his daughter has made millions over this trial. Judges are picked at random, this one was speciffically hand picked. Guess you need to resort to smoking more dog shit again

By White_Mamba at 04,Jun,24 15:53
Whatever gave you that idea. Liberals go crazy when you challenge them then look to smoking dog shit. It's cheaper if you look on the ground first before spending a fortune at the smoking pot dog shit store.

Natures way of cleaning up the envirnment I suppose

By White_Mamba at 04,Jun,24 15:48
are you saying you love smoking dog shit rather than having sex?

By White_Mamba at 04,Jun,24 15:43
So instead of great dane dog shit you use German Sheppard? lolBesides using dog shit they use technologies to get into your feeble brain lowering your IQ by 20-30 points. That' metric, not english measured points. To kill more neurons in the brain brainwashing mixed with stupidity. A fantasy "captain video assending to pluto excursions while smoking more dog shit"

If you start with ChihuahuaDog breed little turds first you can gradually work your way up to great dane.

By White_Mamba at 03,Jun,24 22:26
All English is basically a mixture of other languages. It has no origin. Combination of Latin, anglo saxon, roman all languages today stem from the original languages. It has no concrete solitude. Ironically Judaen which is one of the oldest known languages is not included.

By White_Mamba at 03,Jun,24 21:50
I heard that all you have to do is yell HEE HAW and democrats come runnin, PORN RIGHT?

I heard hey called "DEMOCRAPS" is because in colorado where the marijuna is legal its really marijuana flavored dog shit charging twice the street value. Wow, that's some heavy shit man. I wonder what great dane tastes like. LOL...

By White_Mamba at 03,Jun,24 21:35
so its porn then. I heard that all you have to do is yell HEE HAW and they come runnin,

I heard hey called "DEMOCRAPS" is because in colorado where the marijuna is legal its really marijuana flavored dog shit charging twice the street value. Wow, that's some heavy shit man. I wonder what great dane tastes like. LOL...

By White_Mamba at 30,May,24 19:46
To the democrats why do they use a donkey? Is that porn to them?