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Started by #22771 at 11,Jul,11 13:24
Hi there,
did any guy on here get circumcised by their own choice at a later stage in their life... I personally was circumcised at birth and just wanted to know what loosin the foreskin felt like...
I do not have a foreskin and I wish I did. Based on what has been said, I can only imagine how much better my dick would feel if I still had it. I also would luv to see what my dick would look like with a sexy hood covering the head. Now all I have is the scar showing where my foreskin used to be before it was cut off.
By #6568 at 05,Aug,11 21:58
You still have a handsom and strong looking penis. If it works well for you and helps you to be a vigorous and sensual lover then be pleased with it, and be congratulated about it..
........And it you get the chance, try to inform about the stupidities of circumcision for no reason on tiny boys who can't defend themselves, just as you could not defend yourself when it was done to you.....
By #81941 at 05,Aug,11 07:12
It was good to not have a dick that smelt like a vagina.
By #6568 at 05,Aug,11 08:38
.....I wonder how women feel having vaginas that smell like vaginas.......??
'It's better to keep ones mouth shut and perhaps seem a fool than to open it and prove the point'
I think they should cut off the ears as well when they circ baby boys, would be much cleaner and also help to prevent them hearing anything being whispered which they should not hear.....Ears are only bits of skin.
By #109139 at 03,Aug,11 07:59
why you say mutilation????
By #6568 at 03,Aug,11 11:35
Because a circumcised man has been 'mutilated'.....
Have a look in a dictionary ....'mutilation' is to deprive by removal and a penis without foreskin has lost an integral part and been 'deprived' of it's full function. Contrary to popular belief, the foreskin is not just a useless piece of skin which can be removed wihtout any change to the functioning of the penis,'s rich in nerve endings (different to those of the glans itself) has it's own blood supply, and plays a large part in male sensuality and orgasm,..apart from covering and protecting the glans when the penis is relaxed......
.....Circumcision probably began because of a vicious desire by religous and other 'authorities' to reduce mens sensuality as much as possible without actully destroying their ability to procreate. As it is, many circ'd men have trouble reaching orgasm in later life.
By #109139 at 03,Aug,11 13:39
Believe me i have no problems with a orgasm. When i will masturbate i have an orgasm in about 2 min. And when i have sex with my wife also no problem
By #6568 at 03,Aug,11 14:57
Well then be grateful.....
I see that you are 62.....quite a large proportion of men over 55 can't even get a decent erection, be doubly grateful!......
.......And, whether you are circ'd or not, try to encourage the end of this barbaric ignorant and unkind proceedure which spoils mens sensuality for NO good reason.
By #107002 at 04,Aug,11 07:59
Thanks to point this out, men are not ment to be circumcised therefore they've been mutilated...
By #182604 at 03,Aug,11 16:39
Please !! At least let us do what we want with our body. Circumcision is nothing wrong !!!!
I've known both status and if I had the opportunity again I would go for circumcision immediately. High and tight !
By #6568 at 04,Aug,11 06:38
I have no problem with people doing whatever they want with their own bodies......
......However, I object to them mutilating others against their will for evil reasons, and hopefully you do too.
........And it you get the chance, try to inform about the stupidities of circumcision for no reason on tiny boys who can't defend themselves, just as you could not defend yourself when it was done to you.....
'It's better to keep ones mouth shut and perhaps seem a fool than to open it and prove the point'
I think they should cut off the ears as well when they circ baby boys, would be much cleaner and also help to prevent them hearing anything being whispered which they should not hear.....Ears are only bits of skin.
Have a look in a dictionary ....'mutilation' is to deprive by removal and a penis without foreskin has lost an integral part and been 'deprived' of it's full function. Contrary to popular belief, the foreskin is not just a useless piece of skin which can be removed wihtout any change to the functioning of the penis,'s rich in nerve endings (different to those of the glans itself) has it's own blood supply, and plays a large part in male sensuality and orgasm,..apart from covering and protecting the glans when the penis is relaxed......
.....Circumcision probably began because of a vicious desire by religous and other 'authorities' to reduce mens sensuality as much as possible without actully destroying their ability to procreate. As it is, many circ'd men have trouble reaching orgasm in later life.
I see that you are 62.....quite a large proportion of men over 55 can't even get a decent erection, be doubly grateful!......
.......And, whether you are circ'd or not, try to encourage the end of this barbaric ignorant and unkind proceedure which spoils mens sensuality for NO good reason.
I've known both status and if I had the opportunity again I would go for circumcision immediately. High and tight !
......However, I object to them mutilating others against their will for evil reasons, and hopefully you do too.