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Any other straight guys ever wanted to be felt up by a guy?

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Started by #177248 at 11,Jul,11 21:41
OK, I'm straight, and I've got to be honest, the idea of anal sex or oral sex (by another man) makes me feel a bit queasy. But ...

Sometimes I do wonder what it would be like to be felt by another man. Even just quickly - a quick slip of the hand down my boxers, a gentle squeeze and caress of my balls, maybe a brush of my soft cock.

I don't know why. I'm not particularly interested in touching another guy's cock, and as I said above, it's a definite no to anything involving my arse or another man's mouth. And I'd be quite happy for it to be a one off - I'm not fussed about it happening regularly or anything.

I guess it's just because I've never been touched down there by another guy before, and I'd like to know what it'd feel like for my balls to be in the hands of another guy.

I think about this now again, and I wonder, does this make me bi?! But I don't think so. As I say, I'm not that interested in touching another guy's package (though I guess if I came across another straight guy who was interested in the same thing, it'd only be fair!).

Any other straight guys ever thought about this?

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New Comment

By phoenix at 12,Jul,11 20:23 other posts of phoenix 
I would love to hold a dick and feel it grow hard in my hand. And, of course, mutual masterbation is a very hot fantasy that I would luv to share.

By Ben74 at 12,Jul,11 19:26 other posts of Ben74 
Oh yes, of course ... love the idea of exposing myself naked to another guy, being hard, offering myself in any way...

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