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Delete any Discussion on the Forum with the word "Rate" in the title.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #7976 at 22,Jul,11 19:56
I'm all for petitioning Admin to put an automatic spam filter on any Forum topic Title with the word "Rate", "Rate My", What do you think of my", etc. It's gotten to the point where there are very few topics worth reading and responding to.

Perhaps any Forum message with those title words could be automatically routed to the individuals Blog page which, in my opinion, is where they belong in the first place.

Any supporters, or detractors, of this idea?

Similar topics: 1.Are you ready for this one ???   2.*** Your "PROFILE NAME" and how you came up with it ***   3.*** Here's something different , .... How would You : Rate Yourself" ??? ***   4.Showyourcunt needs its own Discussion Forum!!   5.SYC Discussion Forum??  

New Comment

By #7976 at 23,Jul,11 02:51
It appears that some folks just aren't satisfied with their ability to publically speak their mind. I received the following private message this afternoon:

"Jul 22, 16:20 leahcim: I fought for this country did you? Bet you didn't so dont try and stop freedom of speech asshole!!!"

Since our intrepid writer didn't say exactly what spurned his ill affection I'll presume it's the issue I brought up in this forum article. And, since he's so very interested in his freedom of speech, I though it compelling to bring his comments into the light of the day; at least into the forum discussion.

My response was:

"You're truly ignorant but I'll respond to you anyway just this once.

Me: two tours of Vietnam, Panama, Beirut, El Salvador, the first Gulf War and, a Silver & Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts. You...doubtfully as long, as many campaigns, or as much front line service? When I walk down the street my head is held high, [proud, and I don't owe anyone an apology].

As for your freedom of speech crack, I don't care what you say and will gladly defend your right to say it. I just want Admin to put personal advertisements in an individual's personal blog and leave the forum for intelligent discussions on sexuality.

And, there's no inherent right, constitutional or otherwise allowing an individual to speak his or her mind in any location. That is governed by local rule of law hence the the need to acquire a parade or public use permit before speaking one's peace.

So, good luck on soliciting all the personal admiration you can get. But in the future, think before you speak and] limit your comments to areas in which you know what your talking about. And keep your "asshole" admonitions keep them to yourself."

So, now that everyone can enjoy the post from one Asshole to another, you can laugh or cry as you will.
By #5532 at 24,Jul,11 17:01
As you may have seen earlier, I posted about rate my rating in an attempt to put a little humor in how moronic it is that so many have nothing more to say than "rate my"...."tell me what you think". I seem to get plenty of opinions sent my (our) way without asking. The forum has slipped terribly in the past 6-8 months. I remember when there were actually topics discussed of a higher level. Thank you for your service, my guy (USMC-ReCon) certainly appreciates it as well.
By #7976 at 25,Jul,11 23:21
Hoora Recon, My father was a Marine Raider and my mother a Navy storekeeper. I spent my time in the Navy as both a Naval Sharpshooter with the Naval Advisers in Vietnam and later flying Orions as an FE. Go Navy/Marines.
By #5532 at 27,Jul,11 04:13
He says you come from good stock. He was a ReCon Scout Sniper. I'm pretty sure that is a pretty exclusive thing, he does not say much more about it.
By #7976 at 28,Jul,11 03:03
I understand him and, you're right, great stock. There's not much one can say about those experience because of the explosion of adrenalin, being emotionally on edge, and trying to keep your heart beat constrained to your chest. And, all that while keeping a neurotic eye out for danger and keeping the mission details crisp and frosty. No one who's ever been there means any offense, the combination of emotions and actions are almost impossible to relate to those who've never experienced that type of hell.

By #10886 at 27,Jul,11 15:58
Thanks ya'll fore your service......I am a retired Navy Photographer. 25 years of shooting people, and not one shot back!!

....and still shooting!
[deleted image]
By #7976 at 28,Jul,11 02:52
Ten years in the Navy and lots of shooting. A lot of days I would have traded your job for mine. Keep shooting though. Your record sounds like one to keep in tact.

By #8995 at 28,Jul,11 02:40
maybe your right, but if there are so many who likes to be rated, we should ask for a new section to rate pics, im sure many of us would like something like this.
We cannot forget that all of us have the right to make public what we want to.
The great of this place is to SHOWYOURSELF.
By #7976 at 28,Jul,11 02:50
I agree. Another location would be a good solution. One could opt to be listed or not.

By #178278 at 24,Jul,11 18:10
I agree with everything said. BTW BushPilot, I think your dick is HOT. I rate you a 10.
By #7976 at 25,Jul,11 23:22
Thanks. I appreciate the compliment.

By #59855 at 25,Jul,11 18:59
From Matt's Wife: @Bush pilot, The leach is nothing but a troll and monted is right, he has no clue who is real and who is not

By #102374 at 23,Jul,11 02:16
Delete them.

By slipper at 23,Jul,11 00:54 other posts of slipper 
Here, HERE!

By Ray10754 at 22,Jul,11 22:42 other posts of Ray10754 
In agreement here

Adult Discussion Forum