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Nipple Enlargement

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Started by #134801 at 31,Jul,11 12:51
So, I'm at the Texas Coast with my lady friend/neighbor and noticed, what appeared to be, humongous nipples under her tank top. At best, she' an A+ cup size and the nipples weren't there 5 minutesd earlier. When I inquire about the sudden appearance of the bumps, she lifts up the tank top and shows me snake bite cups attached to her breasts. She says she trying to grow more perky nips. She just turned 59. Anyone with experieince with this and is it going to work at her age? I thought she had great nips before. Wondering what the future holds.

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By #7976 at 03,Aug,11 01:47
Nipples are tissue that is easily expandable. Sucking on them is certainly one way as is freezing them but the results are fairly short term. Women who've nursed children however, tend to have their nipples permanently enlarged as they're repeatedly engorge and stretched through sucking. How much typically depends on how long she nurses.

As for ways to make them permanently larger by gels, creams, vacuum pumps, or "snake bite" cups, are doomed to failure except in the short term. If she's wanting the look, I have seen pasties that can be worn and emulate nipples of various sizes. But I'd suggest she just engage in a lot of foreplay with her breasts and enjoy what she has.

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