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"Unusual" female celebs that you wank off over

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Started by #173706 at 23,Oct,11 18:15
by unusual, I mean not the obvious ones!

One of my all time favourite wanks has to be the british actress Helen Baxendale, ive shot so much cum for her over the years, just find her unbelievably sexy.

so who does it for you?

Similar topics: 1.The Unusual   2.Unusual PUSSY U HAVE EVER SAW- DESCRIBE   3.unusual turn on's ;D   4.Masturbating in female condom   5.Anyone for wank chat?  

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By qhaos at 26,Nov,11 17:29 other posts of qhaos 
ehm... for me i love wanking with gillian anderson x-files's agent scully!

By #201583 at 23,Nov,11 15:07
Jane Leeves as Daphne Moon on Frasier. I love small breasts on a hot woman.

By yellowman at 23,Nov,11 11:03 other posts of yellowman 
Worrying.....most of the women that you guys have listed here I have never even heard of. OK, some I have but most of them, no.

By #132576 at 23,Oct,11 20:31
as a kid I used to wank over Beverly Crusher from star trek hehe. Shes proper milf. go to youtube and search for "Streching with Beverly" (first link) to see a scene I spunked over so many times. Pretty random I know hehe. Also the hot young lady from a Dr Who episode "BLINK" called "Carey Mulligan" Fuck shes hot.
By Walker at 22,Nov,11 22:59 other posts of Walker 
Oh man thanks for that one I had forgotten about how hot she is. I blew my load watching the video, time and time again. Random? no not as all I love her and she is so hot. I'd love to have her give me a prostate exam using her whole hand. Then check my semen load with her mouth.

By #33861 at 18,Nov,11 00:41
As far as TV and the late '60s and early '70s, there was a British show called UFO......the chicks on that show were all incredibly hot! Elizabeth Montgomery (Bewitched) and Barbara Eden (I Dream of Jeannie) kept my dick hard, all through did Carol Burnett. Of course, Yvonne DeCarlo (Lilly, The Munsters) was always a weird fantasy thing.
By #143536 at 19,Nov,11 18:03
Ahhh, nice list. I had forgotten all about Carol Burnett.

By #186300 at 18,Nov,11 08:47
Amanda Bynes and id love to see that Hilary Clinton bitch take mycock.
By #143536 at 19,Nov,11 18:02
Hilary does get my dick hard at times.

By Walker at 17,Nov,11 22:08 other posts of Walker 
I want to tap Amanda Tapping is so hot.

By bradyD at 25,Oct,11 01:47 other posts of bradyD 
Not necessarily the celebrities themselves, but I used to love fantasizing about the characters Chiana and Dargo from the TV show Farscape. I doubt many have heard of the show though.
By #187578 at 27,Oct,11 09:23
Lol I have I wanted to ride Dargo like a horse bareback and buck wild... I can understand Dargo but why him and chiana
By bradyD at 28,Oct,11 02:18 other posts of bradyD 
Why not?
By #187578 at 28,Oct,11 05:07
Lol IDK she was an awesome character though just not my type I guess however thunder cats fan here and Lion-o is still one of my masturbatory fantasties
By bradyD at 29,Oct,11 03:59 other posts of bradyD 
Well honestly, it's more like I wanted to BE Chiana. I loved her androgynous like character that was dubious, underhanded, and seeped sexy from every pore (although she was really just in a constant state of horny) LOL

Another female celebrity I've fantasized about is Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica. Strong, sexy woman who could easily kick my ass? Yes please, and bring a strapon!

Oh, and obviously i'm a total geek.

By #187578 at 27,Oct,11 09:25
Betty white
By #143536 at 28,Oct,11 17:28

By #143536 at 25,Oct,11 13:45
Patricia Heaton - Wife on Everybody loves raymond

Elayne Bennis from Seinfeld

Clair Huxtable from the cosby show

I've jerked off to them a lot. Everytime I see them I just have to touch myself.
By #187578 at 27,Oct,11 09:24
lmao isn't claire the mother?
By #143536 at 28,Oct,11 17:28
Yess sir!!

By #187578 at 27,Oct,11 09:25
Lmao JP

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