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I want to pierce my cock!

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Started by #181626 at 27,Oct,11 16:29
I really want a piercing on my dick. I don't know where on my dick i should put it. Any suggestions?

Similar topics: 1.Piercing your penis   2.know how to pierce penis in home   3.piercing your cock   4.Who pierced his own cock???   5.TO PIERCE OR NOT  

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By #92900 at 30,Oct,11 15:34
Its not like an ear ring, meaning once you do it, it will never close up.
By #94263 at 30,Oct,11 17:51
Not entirely true. If you keep to a smaller thickness piece of jewellery and you remove it within a year of the piercing being done, there is every chance that it will heal closed.
However once you go to the larger thicknesses then it probably won't close without surgery.

By #90650 at 29,Oct,11 19:23
I miss my PA, but getting it doesn't even hurt. And yet you get so much pleasure from it.

I used to rotate the ball on the ring into my piss slit and wank. And then when you blow, its so intense because the ball is blocking the way.

Mind you getting it stretched for a bigger gauge ring......that tickled abit.

By #196668 at 28,Oct,11 12:22
I have a P/A and I really like it. As long as you don't mind sitting down to pee for the rest of your life then go for it.
By Ray10754 at 28,Oct,11 13:57 other posts of Ray10754 
only had that problem when i first got mine after a while you learn how to adjust for that! still can piss standing

By #94263 at 28,Oct,11 06:12
I also think your cock would suit a PA.
They are easy to get, relatively painless and give great sensations, well worth getting.

By Ray10754 at 28,Oct,11 00:46 other posts of Ray10754 
I would start with a P/A looking at your profile I se you have a nice looking cock and a P/A would look very good hanging from it.
Once that is done and healed you could go for something else
Had mine done years ago started ut with a 10 guage cir bar bell did all my own streaching and stoped at 0 guage.
I have been thinking about having another one done now!

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