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tattooed dick & pussy

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Started by #212437 at 29,Nov,11 11:12
if anybody has tattoo on his/her genital please show here.

Similar topics: 1.Cock tattoo   2.premature ejaculation fetish   3.Would you have sex with a woman who has her man's name tattooed on her?   4.Tatooed cocks   5.Looking for dick-pics for a new boardgame  

New Comment

By #201583 at 01,Dec,11 04:04
I agree, I won't post any pictures with my tattoos. I didn't realise that people might not remember you, but they remember the tattoos. I was walking through a mall in San Diego when someone I have never seen in my life walks up and said, "you were in this country, at a certain bar in a certain year" I asked how he knew that. He said he sat next to me at that bar, in that country, 5 years earlier. He loved my tattoo. I am easily identifiable just by my tattoos, and many people know me. The last thing I need is people I know, knowing that I'm BI, or people that I work with, or people that served with me, or my huge gay bashing family. You never know who is on these sites.
By #59855 at 01,Dec,11 04:34
From Matt's Wife: I rest my case!

By #212437 at 30,Nov,11 12:05
how can u identify a person tottoed on his /her gential ? It's only genital not the person's face?
By #59855 at 30,Nov,11 16:31
From Matt's Wife: Are you serious???? They are just as personal and unique as a face. People are convicted of crimes based on tattoos.

By #59855 at 29,Nov,11 19:18
From Matt's Wife: Tatts are very personal and identifiable, there are those that don't show such things on sites like this

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