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The "Is this Gay" posts.

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Started by #89828 at 03,Dec,11 00:00
When reading posts and comments on SYD, I always find it very interesting that people define "gay" based upon how far they themselves would go, or have gone, with a person of the same sex. One guy says: "I like to suck dick, but because I won't kiss a guy, I am not gay." Another guy posts: "You are gay if you swallow, but only if you ENJOY it." The hang-up with labels, and the "Please, don't make this thing that I enjoy be gay! I don't WANT to be gaaaaaaay!" attitude always makes me smile!

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By slipper at 03,Dec,11 19:58 other posts of slipper 
No different than any other pejorative label, or what is seen to be such.

By #112729 at 03,Dec,11 01:24
So true ! One thing I find really amusing here is when you read a members profile , and it states he is strait , but when you look at all of there comments , most of them clearly indicate that they are infact wanna be gay . For instance all of their favorite pics are men and no women ... or how they say how much they want to fuck and suck the guy that there leaving the comments on ! So all in all it is just funny how we lable ourselves , when in reality everyone deep down inside is just a bit curious , no matter how strait we are and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay or strait , because "Love is Love" no matter what , right ?
By #201583 at 03,Dec,11 01:38
You hit the nail on the head.

By #201583 at 03,Dec,11 00:11
I agree, a sexual act with the same sex is a homosexual act. It's not that hard to figure out.

Adult Discussion Forum