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whats pleasant in anal sex? its shit panic.

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Started by #204074 at 17,Dec,11 17:04
i m shocked. i had tried to have anal. but its horrible. terrific. theres nothing which i conceit about. i realy appreciate for those who bear this and feel pleasure.

Similar topics: 1.anal   2.Anal   3.whats a good way to prepare for anal?   4.Ever had a seemingly normal conversation with someone, and then boom out of no where they want to lick your armpit?   5.Sex toy help  

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By #216929 at 22,Dec,11 15:06
what cumdump, ray said on this topic is through the gay/bisexual angle. It's not applicable to straight person. U have to relay on scientific/medical facts. U don't need to go & make practical experiment. Everybody knows **** addiction is bad. Will u go to take it yourself & prove whether it is bad or good for health ! Earth is round. It's the fact which scientifically proved. U don't need to be astronaut or go to space to prove it. Afterall it's not my intention to degrade anybody & to offence. If anybody feels that , i apologise.
By #201583 at 22,Dec,11 16:34
Your right and science has proved that in nature their are many homosexual a-n-i-m-a-l-s, and people have been doing it since the dawn of time. Heterosexual intercourse is equally just as dangerous as gay sex. And no I wouldn't take the d-r-u-g-s neither, its against my morals, however I don't go up to a homeless crack head who has lost his family, his job, his health and say, "you know crack is addictive, and can ruin your life and kill you." Why? Because he already knows that. Next, you stated anal, its not natural and its not for sexual pleasure. I am hereby informing you that that is a false statement. I can climax and ejaculate with just anal penetration. Not all the time, but about a third. I also have spasams that feel as good an as intense as an orgasm. If you polled gay and bi guys on the subject you would find I'm not the only one. Which invalidates your medical reference. So to be politically correct and a whole lot more accurate, I would say, anal isn't for everyone.
By Ray10754 at 22,Dec,11 19:17 other posts of Ray10754 
Cant wait for this responce !!
By Ray10754 at 22,Dec,11 19:52 other posts of Ray10754 
My knowlage is definatly NOT from a GAY/Bisexual angle!! I know several hundred straight people, Men,Woman and couples that enjoy anal sex regularly,as a matter of fact many of them include it in there regular lovemaking sessions. I guess thae are all wrong also!! Do some reading on Womans sexual chioses, There are a lot of woman that prefer anal sex over vaginal. Like it HAS BEEN POSTED MANY TIMES, Im not saying that anal sex is for everyone, and those that dont aprove or should I say enjoy it, that is your privilage ,A decision that you have every right to. To restate what has been said many times anal, sex is
no more dangerous than any other sex,PROVIDING it is done
correctly ,same as any other sex act. On a sad note to inform you I have a friend that has a 4 year old son that has been diagnosed with AIDS. Parents and doctors have no Idea how he contracted it,But Im sure it wasn't from anal sex or any type of sex as a matter of fact. EVERY THING in life is a gamble, it is up to us to be educated and informed to expierance life to it's fullest with as little isues along the way.
By #201583 at 22,Dec,11 20:29
I think you give great and accurate info. To bad some don't follow directions to well and rush into it.
By #204074 at 23,Dec,11 04:30
thanks cumdump and ray for ur gratuitous advise. i am so lucky who got so usefull information by both of u guys. i never get chance to know about so deeply. or never think to read about. but now just becoz of u i have to think about. may be its not matter of gay or straight. if i didnt try to fucked my self i could never know about side effects and so called diseases. well i got vary discreet opinions, and views by all of u. which helped me to increased my knowledge. and make me to get a right decision in my life.

By #215308 at 22,Dec,11 03:31
Hi IMLOVE ! Just take it slowly !!! You sure have to stretch your butthole first and sure it does not work at the first time you try it ! It took me abt 6 months to have my butt stretched enough to get the first cock in it ! And - Boy, I can tell you: for me it was a great feeling and I enjoyed it very much ! Use much lubrication and sure a condom and tell your buddy to go in slowly and carefully ! If you have pain, just have him stopped at that point and wait for a while ! Then continue slowly ! After he go through the second door its just pure fun and for me it was like heaven ! I still enjoy it very much !!! And now I like the feeling of the hot sperm shooting into my butt very much ! For the most it depends on your partner if you enjoy it or not !!!
By mywusch at 22,Dec,11 16:00 other posts of mywusch 
you are right!!!!

By #68656 at 18,Dec,11 14:16
As "hornydick" correctly points out and as I have said numerous times on other discussions it is an activity best avoided.
Not only is it degrading it can and ultimately will cause severe damage plus the spread of various diseases.
By #204074 at 18,Dec,11 16:51
thanks joahn. now i realy avoid the guy who demand for........
i m happy here i m not alone. there are so many unknown faces who are avail for good advice

By #201583 at 22,Dec,11 00:13
How would you know if it was degrading? Through your eyes yes, mine no degrading is in the eye of the beholder. I am just wandering how many times have you done anal or oral, how many times have you been with a guy? Because it is blowing my mind as to how you and horny dick can repeatedly post the same info over and over on gay and bisexual threads. Always saying you can damage your sphincter, you can get herpes, its unhygenic. All can be reversed and applied to heterosexual intercourse. I have torn a labia minora, bruised my exwifes cervix, but never harmed a sphincter. You can get herpes aids and a whole bunch more from a vagina. You say its unhygenic to stick a wrapped dick in a ass then you would have to say sticking your wrapped cock in a vagina is unhygenic. Protected sex, key word "protected." You guys like to preach on subjects you are not experienced in. That would be like me who has never done drugs giving advice on d-r-u-g addiction, I have never done or have gone through it so how can I advise someone on that path? I can't. All I could do is give them text book facts, the same facts they already knew. It's insulting, I used the same method of bashing gay activity when I was straight, why? Because its not i-l-l-e-g-a-l to poke at one with facts, but the facts you guys put forth are incomplete and can be reversed and applied to heterosexual intercourse. For the guy who posted originally, anal isn't for everyone!
By #164428 at 22,Dec,11 03:44
By Ray10754 at 22,Dec,11 03:50 other posts of Ray10754 
VERY WELL SAID Cumdump Thank you!!! And the best part of the whole thing is you speak the truth I often wondered How any one could talk or give advise about something that they have no expierance with.And if they did reserch prior to opening there mouth they would see it in a different perspective.
By #201583 at 22,Dec,11 12:00
Thank you, I have a lot of respect for you. All BS aside you are a straight shooter and you give true insight and advice that took a few years for me to learn from myself. I just can't stand the same coments repeatedly, I don't knock them for being narrow minded or being straight. I respect their opinions its their right, however I draw the line when they don't apply logic to the facts they post. They post 1/4 opinion which is fine, then they throw in lop sided meaningless facts. The heterosexual germaphobic sermon, that's what pisses me off.

By #204074 at 22,Dec,11 04:34
i had tried to fucked by my frnd only once. but i m sucked so often. twise i have sucked other. u r right i have never been researched for. and not read many more about. i just asked coz i got wrong exp.. thats it bro. but i m thankx to all of my syd frndz who get them golden time as well as advise too.
By #201583 at 22,Dec,11 12:28
Sorry, 99% of my post wasn't directed towards you. Anal isn't for everyone and should never be done in haste. When two guys are fully at ease with one another and great care is taken the pleasure can be monumental. Most guys tense up, the slightest of tense can cause for an extremely bad experience.

By #17755 at 19,Dec,11 18:02
People who dont think its right to have a cock up your ass, get over yourself, if you enjoy it then do it and have fun, always use protection and take it easy use lub and sniff some poppers
By yellowman at 21,Dec,11 23:12 other posts of yellowman 
Thank goodness for someone with some sense on here.

By #216929 at 18,Dec,11 13:47
don't go for other's advice. If u don't enjoy it & feel pain then don't proceed . Why anal ? It's not natural & not for sexual pleasure. By doing so u may badly hurt yourself. It's not worth to enjoy sex by giving the body pain & taking risk.
By #204074 at 18,Dec,11 16:43
thanks buddy to show me the way. i also think that sex not mean grievance. i m realy glad to see that on this site there have helpfull guy who r realy wellwisher of needyone.

By #79498 at 17,Dec,11 17:37
I enjoy anal sex, but then as a gay man it's the only hole I have except my mouth...
By #204074 at 18,Dec,11 09:16
thanx for ur post. i didnt mean to know how many holes u have to fullfill with dick. i just wanna know how u enjoy that pain when the cock enter in ass hole.
pls. dont feel bad about me. as i told i had tried to get penis in me. but i count bear. i pulled away him.
By Ray10754 at 18,Dec,11 12:43 other posts of Ray10754 
Read the other posts here about this subject they have good advice on how to enjoy this

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