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LADIES what gives you your best orgasm, licked & fingered or penetrated?

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Started by #26448 at 16,Sep,09 22:19
I want to hear from the ladies. Come on...tell all! How do you like it? That's how you'll get it! I love the feeling of pleasuring a woman until her body shakes from the orgasms.

Similar topics: 1.VOYEUR   2.To penetrate or be penetrated - what do you prefer?   3.ladies orgasm   4.Ladies, please show us your orgasm clips.   5.The Wank Bank.  

New Comment

By #485312 at 20,Jun,18 11:28
all of the above and more, aussieman just has the right kind of dick l think and can fuck me pretty hard, fast and long, which brings me undone real quick.. *lix*
By #502711 at 20,Jun,18 11:52
You're welcome

By #5532 at 24,Sep,09 19:17
I do not believe there is any one way to a "best" orgasm. I have had so-so orgasms with oral, having my clit rubbed and pussy fingered, and screwing. I have also had some unreal orgasms with the same. It varies from event to event. I do not have a favorite, it all depends on the mood, the circumstance, time of the month, etc.
By #3997 at 25,Sep,09 16:12
Luvmyclit, has your s/o ever made you cry from giving you oral, I was just licking and sucking on the wifes clit the other day she was having a bad day, so i was just sucking lightly, and flicking my tongue across it, and i could tell she was clearing her head and i kept going she screamed and orgasmed so loud and then she like cried too, has that ever happened to you, it turned me on so much that i was able to help her that much especially when she is having a bad day
By #5532 at 27,Sep,09 08:21
Yes. I did cry after an orgasm a couple of times.
By #3997 at 27,Sep,09 16:32
Really, I thought it was pretty hott when she did, i wasnt sure if i should keep going or if i should stop, but I kept going and we both finished and just held each other

By hogweed at 24,Sep,09 23:45 other posts of hogweed 
Having my G spot fingered and my clit sucked or rubbed at the same time brings me off to the most mind-blowing orgasms. Being fucked from behind while I rub my clit is a very close second, although I must agree with lovemyclit; it depends on the mood and circumstances.

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