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Birthday greetings to my fellow Pisceans.

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Started by #68656 at 23,Feb,12 10:33
Seeing it is my birthday in mid March I would take this opportunity to wish all my fellow Pisceans birthday greetings.

Similar topics: 1."Happy Birthday"   2.Birthday   3.birthday sex   4.Many Happy Returns   5.My birthday is to day.  

New Comment

By Roadie_is_back at 18,Mar,17 14:48 other posts of Roadie_is_back 
Happy Birthday from one Pisces to another _ Pisces rule
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BTW .. mine is the 20th ...
By *kmadeau* at 20,Mar,17 18:33 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Happy Birthday today, dear RoadGuy, all the best! Stay Horny!

By *kmadeau* at 18,Mar,17 01:51 other posts of *kmadeau* 
and again come March 18, the day when I celebrate my birthday together with my longtime friend of me, Mr.John from Australia! Cheers!

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By nikavla at 18,Mar,17 14:48 other posts of nikavla 
happy Birthday!!!!!
By *kmadeau* at 20,Mar,17 18:30 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By basque9 at 18,Mar,17 15:02 other posts of basque9 
Happy Birthday to Kmad and John! I can think of no sweeter tribute than listening to the drinking scene from La Traviata at Glyndebourne Opera House near London. This is how I plan to celebrate your great day. I raise my glass in your honor and wish you enjoyment and prosperity.
By *kmadeau* at 20,Mar,17 18:30 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Thank you very much, great buddy

By starsky at 18,Mar,17 14:54 other posts of starsky 
A very Happy Birthday to my very special friend Kmadeau and his friend. Salute !!
By *kmadeau* at 19,Mar,17 00:54 other posts of *kmadeau* 
thaks Star!

By nikavla at 18,Mar,17 14:42 other posts of nikavla 
happy Birthday!!!

By #311947 at 19,Mar,15 22:15
Thank you! And right back at ya! Happy B day to all my fellow fishes! (Mine is at the end of February)

By #196416 at 18,Mar,14 13:02
Happy Birthday to John and kmadeau hope you both have a great day.
By *kmadeau* at 18,Mar,14 13:06 other posts of *kmadeau* 
yeah, thank you Mr.Daffu! and now even more greater with your funny Duck!

By *kmadeau* at 17,Mar,15 14:57 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hey dear Daffu, thank you very much buddy!

By #480212 at 17,Mar,15 14:39
Its that time of the year again to wish JohnS and Kmadeau a happy birthday .And all the piscean fish the same .

By *kmadeau* at 17,Mar,15 14:56 other posts of *kmadeau* 
thank you so much, dear Mr. Poolboy

By *kmadeau* at 18,Mar,14 08:47 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hello JohnS, Today is our big day, my Mate! Cheers for us both!

By #68656 at 17,Mar,14 07:32
Seeing that Kmad and myself will be celebrating our birthdays today, March 18th, we would once again take the opportunity to wish our fellow Pisceans the usual birthday greetings.
By *kmadeau* at 17,Mar,14 11:34 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hello John, and let our "cyber" BD's party celebration to start now! All fellow members are invited, from charming Aussie to the warm Florida and all over the world too! Cheers to you guys and girls all together here!
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By #428387 at 17,Mar,14 14:03
Let me take this opportunity to wish you two fine body's of men "A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" .Yep your mothers sure knew what they where doing when they brought you two into the world .
PS your just like two peas in a pot
By *kmadeau* at 17,Mar,14 21:08 other posts of *kmadeau* 
thx a lot sweet boy!

By *kmadeau* at 23,Feb,13 11:51 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Thank you John and the best wishes to you too.
Please, bc I am in the mid of March too, say me in which day or write a private message to me! thx again
By #68656 at 23,Feb,13 11:52
Hello Kmad.
The big day for me is March 18th.
By *kmadeau* at 24,Feb,13 12:33 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow John! exactly as me! Now I know why I like you, for sure!

By *kmadeau* at 18,Mar,13 07:32 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Happy Birthday, Dear John, my best wishes to you today!
By #68656 at 18,Mar,13 10:59
Thank you Kmad, also birthday greetings to you.
By *kmadeau* at 18,Mar,13 11:02 other posts of *kmadeau* 
thank you too, John!

By #164428 at 24,Feb,12 12:01
Happy birthday! May all your wishes come true.
By #218130 at 24,Feb,12 17:30
Mmmmmmmmm My no 1 wish mmmmmmmm I want YOU

By qhaos at 24,Feb,12 09:38 other posts of qhaos 
my birthday is in march too, but i'm aries! best wishes!

By #155947 at 23,Feb,12 12:02
Happy birthday to you all.. Wish you all the best life could bring you !!!
By #218130 at 24,Feb,12 08:20
Same to you sweet,beautiful lady

By #218130 at 24,Feb,12 07:17
Thanks John, same to you and all other Pisceans. May the sun shine upon you all.

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