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Started by #208875 at 25,Feb,12 03:46
any member here a fan of hip hop or rap?

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By #49676 at 25,Feb,12 18:36
The short answer is yes. Some is fantastic, some not so great, just like everything else I suppose.

Some favorite hip hop artists of mine are the Knux, Jay Z, Nas.. and I Iike some of the UK guys as well - Wretch 32, the Streets, but then you start getting away from hip hop and into garage music, etc.

Genres are blending together all the time anyway. My favorite type of music is most easily called "bass" music. Drum n bass, breaks, dub step, hip hop, electro, and everything in between.. A delicious stew of sounds. when I was a teenager I mostly listened to metal, then I had my hippie music jam band fascination, then I discovered raves but had to weed out the good stuff from the dime-a-dozen shitty "main room" trance.

By #127626 at 25,Feb,12 23:21
Nothing still beats the 80's metal music
By #49676 at 26,Feb,12 00:07
Do you mean "80s" metal like Poison, Whitesnake, Ratt, etc or the heavier stuff that happened to be made in the 80s like earlier Metallica, Slayer, Testament, Sepultura, etc.

My favorite metal band was / is probably Pantera. They were so awesome. Ha well actually they were a total glam hair band in the 80s before Phil Anselmo arrived with all of his rage but no one knows them for that. RIP Dimebag Darrell. That was a sad day..
By #124665 at 26,Feb,12 08:47
'twas a sad day indeed The soothing sounds of hyper-aggressive speed metal, it's soul healing When I listen to rap or hip hop it just makes me wanna listen to Pantera Or maybe even some GG Allin

By #164428 at 26,Feb,12 01:09
Some of it!
By #218130 at 26,Feb,12 06:22
Your screams of pleasure that would be music to my ears.

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