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Don't want to be mean, but i'm scarred.

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Started by #257244 at 03,May,12 06:53
I keep getting creepy messages from a member on here, at first just ignored. Not inetrested in what they have to say/show, but was polite about it. Now as soon as i'm online he's messaging me and hes just been getting a bit desperate sounding. I don't want to be mean and ban him, but it's starting to creep me out. What should I do? Anyone else been in similar situation?

New Comment

By #229159 at 03,May,12 10:37
Dont report him/her as nothing will be done, as the members that vote to have members deleted dont even vote to have un derage members deleted you best thing is BAN him/her.....

admin will tell you to ban the members

But who is it so we can all slam the fucker
By #147052 at 03,May,12 14:10
I agree!

By #81191 at 03,May,12 10:05
Banning is simple and effective. Sadly he/she will continue with others hidden behind the sheild of the internet but every dog has its day

Adult Discussion Forum