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I am a proud owner of an Irsuties papillaries glans Join my group!

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Started by #267863 at 31,May,12 18:49

I am a proud owner of an hirsute glans:
Wikipedia article "Hirsuties coronae glandis"

Growing up I had many issues, even though I always knew my condition was entirely normal and just an anatomical variation. Depending on the research you read it can be a sign of advanced evolution . Yet, I lost my virginity up until the age of 24 out of sheer fear of grossing the girl out. I have had many lovers since and none have shun my cock! and all of them have enjoyed it tremendously (in all their holes).

And as for me, I love the added sensations of the papules when I jerk of and even more the tongue action on the rim of the glans, So I started a group on here for those 30% male bearers of this blessing (for me anyways) to share their dicks and stories.

Please Join!

Similar topics: 1.GROUP C2C   2.New group: Big cumshots kik group   4.Please join my new Group   5.KIK group  

New Comment

By #631189 at 31,Oct,21 11:34
Funny how so many of had issues growing up, and we worried about things that were absolutely normal. Oh for the internet when I was 10-11, would have made my life so much easier

By #652316 at 30,Oct,21 14:39
Me too!

[deleted image]

By #512466 at 26,Nov,16 11:32
Can I be admitted?


By slipper at 31,May,12 22:50 other posts of slipper 
Post more pix, then!!!

By penisadmirer at 31,May,12 21:43 other posts of penisadmirer 
i like it,, please more pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adult Discussion Forum