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Figging ,how many men or women have tried it?

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Started by #261269 at 30,Jun,12 07:36
Figging for men is when you cut a piece of ginger the shape of a butt plug, insert It into the anus, and keep it there as long as possible. It does warm up and give quite a nice heat inside. Women cut two slivers of ginger and lay them on each side of the clit, hold the labia closed for as long as possible, can't speak to that, but reports say it lights your pussy right up! Let us know

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By #68656 at 30,Jun,12 08:07
We used to sing a song when I was in the Army about "frigging in the rigging" and when I was at school there was a song about old grey mares and rubbery in the shrubbery.
Is figging allied to this or is it more related to the picking of figs.??
By #261269 at 01,Jul,12 00:46
Good Question- I didn't know either, just that it was fun to do.
Check out Wikipedia they have a good explanation . Nothing about rigging or figs! Punishment, horses and ginger.

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