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18cock - Where did he go?

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Started by james73 at 11,Jul,12 13:14  other posts of james73
18cock used to be one of the most popular members on this site. Now there is a post from admin on his page warning not to post pictures of other people. All of his pictures are gone, and he has not logged on in 20 days. Anybody have the scoop on what's going on?

New Comment

By #101710 at 09,Sep,12 14:22
Have you noticed lately some members (or maybe the same) post his pics then disappear?

By #101710 at 15,Jul,12 19:49
He said he was fighting with another member, seems like he lost all the pics on the page and the other member lost the account, so who won?

By #202354 at 11,Jul,12 17:39
As my grandma used to say: "What people won't do to get on the internet!"

(OK, she said TV but the meaning is the same. )

By #68656 at 11,Jul,12 13:23
That gentleman was reported by another member for using stolen and web derived material.
By james73 at 11,Jul,12 14:30 other posts of james73 
So all of his content was fake? bummer . . .

Adult Discussion Forum