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Pick-up bingo and other "sex games"

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Started by #254338 at 11,Jul,12 14:11
Have you ever played pick-up bingo or any similar game?

I played the game in college in a group of friends... Most were guys, but a few were girls. It was a pick-up contest but like bingo... The idea was to get a horizontal line, or diagonal line, or vertical line on the bingo board...

The top was race (black, white, Asian and middle-eastern), while the side was age (19 and under, 20, 21, 22 and over)... And the idea was to pick-up and at least get oral sex from the person that satisfied the spot on the bingo card... (giving oral didn't count),.. up north, we sometimes changed the top to hair color (blond, brown, black, red) rather than race... Or clothing colour etc... And of course the age side changed depending as well... At university the one noted was ideal... After university, we used under 20, 20 to 23, 24 to 30, over 30 most often... It was interesting how the girls who played almost always won and if they tried could fill a row in a weekend...

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By #254338 at 11,Jul,12 15:03
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