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Started by #279981 at 15,Jul,12 00:28
can u selfsuck too? Pics, if yes
[deleted image]

New Comment

By #285354 at 20,Sep,13 00:31
Very cool! I would if I could

By iluvcox at 03,Aug,12 02:21 other posts of iluvcox 
Fuck! If I could suck my own dick I would quit my job and blow myself all day! You guys that can are blessed! I tell you. I have had dreams about it and when I wake up it is such a fuckin' bummer. Well, a guy can dream.

By mikeyxx at 02,Aug,12 10:02 other posts of mikeyxx 
Yes when teenager but too stiff now
Taken up selffucking instead , more pleasure too !!!

By fulla at 19,Jul,12 17:05 other posts of fulla 
yes I can. here are some pics

[deleted image]

By #279981 at 20,Jul,12 22:50
By fulla at 02,Aug,12 03:38 other posts of fulla 
do you have any vids of selfsuck?

here is one of mine:

By #275560 at 20,Jul,12 00:31

its just a dream for me!...i envy any guy who can suck his own cock. only a guy knows how its supposed to be sucked!!!

damn you "god"...why didnt you give us a few more vertabrae to bend into the position! lmfao

By #254338 at 18,Jul,12 12:32
used to be able to do it in high school... and then once or twice when I lost some weight after university... but the "beer belly" makes it impossible these days... (that and a super tight stiff back from dealing with the "pricks" at work)

By smokieb69 at 15,Jul,12 11:14 other posts of smokieb69 
Yes, I can- like this
sucking again

licking my own cock

more and more cum on my face!

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