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when was your first cum

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Started by #270249 at 18,Jul,12 20:04
mine was about when i was 10

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By #291618 at 05,Oct,12 19:09
I think my first orgasm was at 7 but i fist cum when i was 11 it was sooo great and funny hahah

By #242452 at 03,Oct,12 05:41
10. I was in 5th grade. I didn't know I was masturbating. I had read about "petting" or "touching" but had no idea that actually meant wrapping your fist around your meat and pumping away. If only I knew then what I know now!

By #215672 at 27,Aug,12 06:11
at about 10 i thought id peed then i got worried it was not pee but i dun it again real soonloland loved it ever since

By sexbaba2111 at 09,Aug,12 11:03 other posts of sexbaba2111 
when i was 11 year old in my hostel room i was teaching my frnd how 2 mastrubate and i cummed

By slipper at 09,Aug,12 07:03 other posts of slipper 
Any day now... I HOPE!!! (Seriously, 11 or 12)

By #283563 at 29,Jul,12 17:59
First orgasm was around 8 didn't cum until around 12 by which point I knew what it was already so I was happy it finally happened haha

By #101710 at 27,Jul,12 04:11
First orgasm at about 12yo, first cum one year later

By #220845 at 20,Jul,12 02:23
Around 13 with my cousin TIM.

By #275560 at 20,Jul,12 00:03
****'s ^^^ were k i d

By #275560 at 20,Jul,12 00:01
Im not even sure what age i was but it was early teens, maybe about 12 or something.
A schoolfriend asked me if i had "cummed" yet! i didnt even know what he meant until he said "wank"!!! I heard that word before and got a little uneasy that he asked me!
As a **** i actually found the "joy of sex" book in my parents bedroom whilst looking for my christmas presents!!
that book opened the door for me and so one night i pulled down my pants in bed and started stroking. I got an insant hard on but didnt quite know what was going to happen.
I carried on until this "cum" thing happened, at first it was weird, then i saw this white stuff coming out. I didnt know what the hell was going on and so i finished for the night. i tried it about 3 weeks later after going to a party and the guy there was showing some porn movies. I then knew what was going on.

I returned to my bed and did what the bloke in the video was doing and since then.........................


Ive never looked back

By #139037 at 18,Jul,12 20:13
14, during the Atlanta summerolympics I had my first drop of cum oozing out of my penis, while being in a horny puberty-style mood. A great and bad experience at the same time. Great because I finally considered myself as a man by that, bad because it marked the end of the multiple-dry-orgasms-in-a-row era. Great times to just spend a full morning jerking off, cumming often without worrying about catching or cleaning up the leftovers.
By #64328 at 18,Jul,12 20:50
I totlly agree with this statment. A proud feeling having cum after waiting for thatday but changed how and where I could do it.

By #64328 at 18,Jul,12 20:10
First orgasm was 8 but my first cum was 13.

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