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Started by mikeyxx at 02,Aug,12 10:05  other posts of mikeyxx
Buy your wife the book: 50 Shades of Grey

You wont regret it believe me

Wife never been so wet and horny

Similar topics: 1.Power vs Smooth fuck. Boys vs Girls   2.MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY from ROUTEMASTER   3.Jerking off!!!   4.A couple fantasy.   5.WELCOME GIRLS  

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By #201583 at 02,Aug,12 21:04
BARED TO YOU by Silvia Day is far better.
By #164428 at 04,Aug,12 09:12
I just ordered it!
By #201583 at 04,Aug,12 17:28
If you even liked 50 shades a little you will love it. It had me in tears, and soaked through my jeans. Gideon Cross and Eva Tramell will put you on an emotional rollercoaster. I can only speak for the first book because the second has yet to be released.

By mikeyxx at 03,Aug,12 09:30 other posts of mikeyxx 
Well I havn`t read the book , all I know is how horny my wife is now and its got her thinkin of trying new shit.Bring it on I say , Its a good start. Will have to try that book next cumdump
By #201583 at 03,Aug,12 11:46
It has more of a story and though its similar it is written far better. The sex is a little vanilla, but it gets a little into internal cum-shots and light anal with a touch of vanilla domination issues. It has more characters, with the main female having a bisexual male roommate that's a model. Unlike 50 shades both characters are as Anistasia would say, "50 shades of fucked up." I believe that the second book in the series comes out next month. I would only suggest it if you thought 50 shades was alright to great. I read a lot, no less than 4 to 6 hours on a work day and 16 to 30 hours on a weekend.

By #59855 at 02,Aug,12 20:49
From Matt's Wife: Very vanilla
By #201583 at 02,Aug,12 21:11
I concur with you one-hundred percent. The BDSM was lame every-day stuff, and if she wrote the words "foil packet" one more time I would have flipped my lid.

By #164428 at 02,Aug,12 21:42
So true. I'm enjoying the story, but when I heard that middle-aged women everywhere were fawning over this and shocked at all the naughy sex, I had to see for myself. Yawn!
By bradyD at 02,Aug,12 22:14 other posts of bradyD 
My wife loves the book too but the writing is just terrible I think. I was hoping it would get her more interested in the kinkier side of sex but not so much....yet.
By #164428 at 02,Aug,12 22:54
So true about the writing. The author herself says she's not a good writer. There's a lot of repetition, for one. She needs to own a

The average person thinks it's very kinky, but there really is very little kink. It's much more vanilla than chocolate, strawberry, or tutti frutti!
By bradyD at 03,Aug,12 00:29 other posts of bradyD 
...and my strawberry wife needs a little more tutti frutti-ness!

By bradyD at 03,Aug,12 00:33 other posts of bradyD 
when she told me the plot and the BDSM settings, all I could think about was the beautiful book, "the claiming of sleeping beauty" by Anne Rice (forgot her psudeoname, Roulieque or something) and omg, the fantasies in my mind were running wild to no end!
By #164428 at 03,Aug,12 01:26
I've heard of that book. That was a trilogy, too, I believe?
By bradyD at 03,Aug,12 01:56 other posts of bradyD 
yup, although I only read the first one, it was excellent! it was certainly erotic and her writing made you feel like you right there with the characters. Every word was well thought out and there for a purpose. I highly recomend it for anyone who enjoys the bdsm fetish. Rice put in a very health amount of eroticism without making it trashy or cheap at all.

By #70814 at 02,Aug,12 11:14
Thanks for the tip. Did you read it too ? How did your wife act afterwards?

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