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Anyone into CB/T?

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Started by #296658 at 28,Aug,12 14:22
Hey, I'm kinda new to it, but i started with bodage and some ball crushing. (ouch!) Any ideas what i should do next?
Feel free to share pics, i'd love to see what others have done!

New Comment

By #201155 at 29,Aug,12 07:31
You want some CBT ideas? Try wearing one of these for a few days, with no chance of taking it off, and see if you can think about anything but masturbating and cumming!

[deleted image]
By #248006 at 29,Aug,12 22:49
Why would you do that to yourself? I have a very painful, incurable terminal disease, and I can never understand why anybody would ever hurt themselves for any reason. I'd give ANYTHING for a day without this terrible pain.
By #201155 at 30,Aug,12 04:43
I am genuinely very sorry to hear that. But the device I'm wearing is not in itself painful, it merely restricts my penis so that it cannot become erect, and I obviously cannot masturbate – and therein, of course, lies the discomfort. And I must stress that it is only discomfort. Sorry if I have distressed you

By #201155 at 29,Aug,12 07:32
Here's another view...

[deleted image]
By #296658 at 29,Aug,12 13:03
Ouch. Where do you get one?
By #201155 at 29,Aug,12 18:09
I got mine from a supplier here in the UK, but I'm sure if you google CB3000 you'll find one in the US. Good hunting!

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