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Monkey Spanker.....

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Started by #218691 at 28,Aug,12 15:02
Finally arrived......must say, I like it.

It's a weird 'ol thing....I read lots of reviews that said it has SUCTION like a blowjob, but I don't get that feeling.

Use LOTS of lube or you'll end up with third degree burns....

The vibrator bullet doesn't really do much for me, unless you stop with it round the top of your head......

Cum lots though, which is nice....worth the money!!

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New Comment

By #274357 at 28,Aug,12 16:26
Looks like a damn snapon wrench!! Haha!
By #68656 at 28,Aug,12 18:26
It certainly does look similar to a snap on wrench or even like a 50 mm ring spanner used to remove and tighten the nut of a towball.
By #285812 at 28,Aug,12 19:02
Wonder if you can put just a piece of rubber inside a box wrench ?
By #218691 at 28,Aug,12 21:14
Here it is with an AA battery......

[deleted image]

It's weird....the AA battery sits in the hole.....but it can stretch all the way up to ring 7 and STILL grip your's weird.

I don't have a big cock by anymeans, but I reckon lots of you guys might NEED a box wrench!
By #187578 at 29,Aug,12 06:07
I'm a little confused but a lot of interested whats this and how does it work and where can I get one
By #218691 at 29,Aug,12 07:33
It's just a toy for as hell too!

More info if you search internet for "sex toy monkey spanker"

got a little vibrator bullit in the handle and the plastic bit just grips your cock when you are wanking off.

They say it's also great for when you are getting a blowjob...although I don't see that myself, would get in the way!!

Might try and get a video up....
By #201155 at 29,Aug,12 07:35
Is the idea that you work it up and down your cock, or just keep it round the head and let the vibes do the work?
By #218691 at 29,Aug,12 08:16

You work it up and down, like you would when having a's a really odd feeling somtimes...tight like.

When I'm going to cum, I put it round the head like in my pic and leave it......the vibrations just keep me cumming lol

I couldn't cum just with the vibes, I don't think....not without getting bored.
By #201155 at 29,Aug,12 12:51
Thanks for that. It sounds good. I think I'll get one – it's not too expensive, and if it works for me as well as it obviously does for you, then it will be a lot of fun. I'd like to try and set it up so I can have a hands-free orgasm, perhaps with my prostate massager in me at the same time
By #187578 at 29,Aug,12 13:17
Thanx for the insight both of u
By #201155 at 29,Aug,12 18:10

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