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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #325687 at 27,Nov,12 07:44
So... I've been browsing this site for a while now, mainly to get off on all you le pictures :p

But I thought I'd sign up and say hi, and maybe a little about myself...

I'm in a loving straight relationship but I am completely obsessed with cock, I regularly jack my friend off and I love it. No idea why but I am completely comfortable with it.

So yeah, that's me, feel free to ask any questions and ill upload a pic later, for now I'm going to carry on browsing some of your members if you don't mind

New Comment

By #280434 at 27,Nov,12 07:58
ok, keep browsing the site, and upload some more pics, the one I can see so far is very good looking
By JeffinKS at 28,Nov,12 14:28 other posts of JeffinKS 
nice cock bud! does your friend jack you off as well? have you thought about sucking his cock? I know I'd love to suck on yours....

Adult Discussion Forum