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For ellie pinkstar

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Started by #234610 at 04,Feb,13 12:40
Wow...ur gonna leave it open to just let my imagination run wild on u? Well first let me just say being a redhead makes u so much more facinating to me. I've always thought about dancing my lips and tongue across the smooth milky white skin of a firey little thing like urself. I'm sure just the sweet smell of u would drive me crazy and make me throb and drip with anticipation. How I would love to even be in the same room with u... let alone have my warm wet lips and tongue tease u from ur slender neck...a neck that would drive any vampire crazy...down ur freckled shoulders playing connect the dots with my tongue...all the while my strong hands gently gripping ur delightful chin and neck and dragging it down slowly in between ur glorious breasts instantly bring ur once soft pink nipples to firm attention. Id continue on down ur quivering stomache while my fingers slowly work in spirals from the outside of ur plump tits to those fine erect nipples. The sweet essence is stronger and teasing me just as I am u and its hard to not just say fuck it and plunge my face deep in ur dripping hot pink pussy. But I fight the urge and uk I'm turned on because u can feel how big and hard my cock is through my jeans. Our hearts both race and u feel my dick throb hard and fast in rythym with my pounding heart. Back to bussiness...almost lost it there and burst in my pants. Ur so excited by now that ur hands grab my head and broad shoulders pushing me down begging me to just eat u already...but I backtrack a little as if I felt like I didn't quite pay enough attention to those beautiful breasts. I go right for more teasing mouth surrounds them and they feel just as amazing to my tongue as my tongue does to ur nips...I suck them and lick them...nibble and bite them...drivn u wild...then I return my mind to the hot south and I go down yet stop right over that golden fire patch and I'm so close now u can feel my hot breath on ur clit. Its so sensative u almost explode.I get closer and closer so intoxicated from ur scent and kiss all around ur gleaming luscious cunt...I suck the tasty flesh covered in ur juices that lives between ur thigh and the place id love to have my tongue just going wild in...and id lick up and down ur powerful thighs making u push ur hips and pussy up towards me in convultions while my hands... though strong...just can't hold u back...and just as u begin to cum harder than ever...I dive in plunging my long pierced tongue deep deep it feels as if I was licking ur belly button from the inside out...and u thrash hard and scream in a language never heard before...just bits and pieces are fuck! And shit! And my name...and Gods! Then as the convulsing calms like the sea after a hurricane has ripped through...both of us are left breathing rapidly trying to get oxygen back into our bodies. U look down at me with satisfied eyes for a moment and then those eyes that are lit by a flame...start to burn intensely...and I can tell u want me to free my monster and unleash it upon u...u want it in ur mouth more than any other cock uve ever seen...u want to feel it pulse and throb between ur lips and feel every vein and bump with ur tongue and uk I want u too...but hey that's another story...let me know if u want me to continue this...XoXoX

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