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why just ban

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Started by #363489 at 14,Mar,13 13:30
We are new . But over the last few years we have had many friends who have been on this site ,most have left but a few was banned with no chance to find out why , THIS IS WRONG . People need the chance to answer there critics .a few have had pictures posted on other sites used on here , THIS IS NOT THE ONLY PLACE TO POST PICTURES I t seems that there are more than a few on here with double standards to you and all those who support them this includes the powers that be .GIVE PEOPLE THE RIGHT TO GET BACK ON . ps one more friend has had this done

New Comment

By #124665 at 14,Mar,13 14:28
What the fuck are you on about? Just post your damn pics if you want to. I've pics other places too, so what?

Adult Discussion Forum