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Clearly bisexual... I'm pretty sure

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Started by #364866 at 23,Mar,13 16:37
As I sit here cruising SYD on one computer, getting all hard and oozing pre-cum, I have a second computer open to an all-girl pic site. Concentrating on the lesbian pics on my left and the yummy dicks on my right. I must be bisexual, yes?

Similar topics: 1.Upside down low (gay bi and DL men only)   2.Bisexual Porn :-)   3.Bisexual preference   4.I'm gay, but I want to lick and fuck pussy!   5.If you are bisexual, but only like feminine types, are you really bisexual?  

New Comment

By slipper at 27,Mar,13 05:21 other posts of slipper 
Or maybe, you just like cunt & cock???

By #364467 at 23,Mar,13 17:19
If you haven't had sexual contact with men yet, at this point I would say you are Bi Curious. If you have had a sexual experience (more then once, I consider one time an experiment) with both sexes then yes Bi Sexual. But the reality is you are what YOU think you are. Who are you attracted to the most, men or women? Anyway don't worry about a label just have fun and play safe.
By #124665 at 24,Mar,13 07:26
Very well said indeed

By #124665 at 24,Mar,13 07:25
My page has dick and puss for your viewing pleasure

By #363802 at 23,Mar,13 16:56
I LOVE women mostly,I would do anything she asked, and lick her everywhere,including her feet and asshole. with guys, all I'm interested in is sucking his huge cock, nothing else,no anal for him or me,I don't even want him to do anything to me,I just want his cock in my mouth, blow his load and I leave,so,I guess im bi for that reason, because most straight guys don't suck cock,I don't think.

Adult Discussion Forum