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Black dick

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Started by #8824 at 16,Dec,09 20:09
I think i`m straight, but fantasise more and more about sucking a big black dick and swallowing the sperm. Don`t know how to go about it though. Has anyone got some advice?

Similar topics: 1.Big black dicks?   2.Black Dicks ARE SO HORNY   3.Big black cock tribute my wife   4.Black Pussy   5.How to dye my dick black color? ♠💘  

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By #450957 at 12,Jun,14 02:15
Gay bar. You should have no trouble finding luck there.

By #3997 at 23,Dec,09 16:28
I have a black dick that if any of you wanna suck on i will offer it too, and the funny thing is i check out white cock more in the lockeroom cause they are more interesting, some have big heads, or tan, not tanned, i see my black cock all the time , just thought i would share
By #41123 at 24,Dec,09 20:52
I agree with you! I just find white cocks a lot more interesting. I don't know why but I would also love to let yaw lick and suck on my cock if I could do the same thing to you!
By #3997 at 24,Dec,09 21:39
I just like too how the white guys at the gym walk around so freely in the lockerooms its great just let the johnson swing

By #28707 at 20,Dec,09 19:59
Funny, I've tried both and the color didn't seem to make a bit of difference. I have never sucked any cock that I did not like.
By slipper at 20,Dec,09 22:17 other posts of slipper 
All in each person's own fetish!

By #5532 at 17,Dec,09 18:30
Step one, find a black guy.
By #39904 at 19,Dec,09 17:48
Okay, that was just too funny!
By slipper at 20,Dec,09 22:15 other posts of slipper 
But, true, nevertheless!

By luckyguy at 20,Dec,09 12:46 other posts of luckyguy 
I understand loving black cock. LONG, hard black cocks are hot!!! I also love white ones though, or latina, or asian. I'm not into smaller ones, but medium and long are HOT

By #3997 at 18,Dec,09 19:25
I would give you mind if that were possible

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