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Anyone like some mild pain?

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Started by #419898 at 12,Aug,13 00:02
I occasionally like to torture my cock for a few hours before jacking off. I recently discovered something new that really turns me on!

I bit the inside of my mouth and got some of that dab-on anesthetic for mouth sores. It stings a little on contact, but then turns numb within a few seconds. I thought, "Why not?"

I used the applicator wand to dip into my pee slit, and it burned like a bitch! But after a few seconds, it got numb and i was able to push the applicator in more and it felt really good.

Can't wait for some more alone time to experiment! Let me know if you enjoy this please!!!

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New Comment

By #485312 at 24,Jul,15 06:44
mild pain can be very stimulating, l love watching hardcore torture, l like to see what threshold others have, l like to see them being mentally tortured to...*lix*

By #358797 at 12,Aug,13 06:30
I definitely find pleasure in pain, but I highly doubt anything could ever convince me to stick things in my peehole. Lol.

By #415959 at 12,Aug,13 02:30
You bit the inside of your mouth...uh, what??!!
By #291618 at 12,Aug,13 04:45
YES he do
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