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Major Jockstrap Fantasy! Help!!

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Started by #221907 at 17,Nov,13 13:12
I was wondering if there are any sexy guys or girls on the site who would be interested in indulging me as well as helping me to explore my absolute all time greatest, most powerful fantasy and fetish.. I have countless fantasies that all are fueled by my massive fetish for jockstraps, particularly wearing them and a certain one of my jocks which is my very favorite that I own and I would love to find somebody who would enjoy sharing in something that has infinite erotic appeal to me and hopefully does to you as well.

I'll post a picture to give you an idea of what I mean.

[deleted image]

Hope to hear from several sexy people soon who like what they see in that picture as much as I do.

Similar topics: 1.Question.....   2.Padded jockstrap   3.Is the jockstrap dead?   4.who wears a jockstrap for gym or sportsq   5.Is the jockstrap dead?  

New Comment

By #518391 at 07,Mar,19 12:08
Sorry...wrong pic
This is the right one
[deleted image]

By #518391 at 07,Mar,19 12:07
This is what I find when I look in my jockstrap
[deleted image]

Adult Discussion Forum