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wanking question

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Started by #442199 at 28,Nov,13 15:39
When you guys wank do you stop after you cum/orgasm or do you carry on? I can't seem to carry on to long after cumming just wanders what it felt like aswell

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New Comment

By #289712 at 02,Dec,13 04:06
At times ive kept going, but at 36 I know what to do to my penis to give me an explosive orgasm, so its usually enough. Three shots in one masturbation session is as far as I've been.

By #136427 at 30,Nov,13 18:42
Sometimes if the wife isnt done I can keep fucking thru, an get hard a again and pop again...

By Gary5 at 29,Nov,13 15:48 other posts of Gary5 
Excellent question - usually, when I'm alone, I stop - but recently I had a partner who kept working it, using my cum as lubricant. Should be fairly hot, right? But mine had had enough and shrank like a rabbit down a hole.

By #249452 at 28,Nov,13 20:14
I stop because i usually lose the feeling to keep going but if im especially horny that day, id wait around 20 minutes before going a second time

By skot at 28,Nov,13 18:10 other posts of skot 
Depends. if I'm really aroused I sometimes try too shoot a second time. I'm usually still rock hard for a bit though I've had partners who instantly go limp once they've cum.

By #359325 at 28,Nov,13 15:45
After I shoot my load, i still wank because it feels like i still have to shoot just a wee bit more.

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