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Started by #41993 at 27,Dec,09 21:22
is hier enige iemand van SA?

New Comment

By #26050 at 07,Apr,10 06:26
mother city boykie here. where are the rest of us...and lets show the world some SA pussy!!!

By Havoc at 01,Apr,10 15:01 other posts of Havoc 
S?dafrikaner verstehen/sprechen deutsch oder?
By #39334 at 06,Apr,10 13:58
I understand German when I read it, but can't really follow a conversation in German.

By Sharkie at 03,Apr,10 20:38 other posts of Sharkie 
Ek ook...SA Rock!!!

By #39334 at 01,Apr,10 08:52
Ek ook

Adult Discussion Forum