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Looking cut when hard

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Started by #90761 at 04,Feb,14 22:01
I was watching a video of a guy, who was uncut when soft, but when he was hard, he had no foreskin and looked cut, he was not holding any thing back, have you seen this and do you have that look

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New Comment

By #291618 at 08,Mar,14 15:01
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Im uncut but look cut when hard

By #70814 at 05,Feb,14 00:10
Same here.

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By #90761 at 05,Feb,14 07:25
great example zakwild
By #70814 at 07,Mar,14 23:21
thanks !

By #450078 at 06,Feb,14 01:35
gorgeous cock, period!
By #70814 at 20,Feb,14 03:34
thank you !

By #61033 at 22,Feb,14 03:29
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By cockalisious at 21,Feb,14 17:59 other posts of cockalisious 

By #41858 at 20,Feb,14 19:29
Just because the skin goes back doesn't mean that it looks cut... you can still tell the skin on the shaft isn't stretched as tightly...

By #6568 at 20,Feb,14 10:32
It's fairly normal to look "cut" when hard,...yet another point which makes mutilation so redundant. When the hood is pushed right back my penis looks like any other, see here;..

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By 22john22 at 06,Feb,14 21:20 other posts of 22john22 
Not the best pictures, but mine is same

By #41858 at 05,Feb,14 00:54
I almost always can tell, though, that the skin on an uncut shaft is more relaxed and not as tightly stretched as on a circumcised shaft...
By #90761 at 05,Feb,14 19:33
Yes, but some guys have none so they look cut and the skin doesn't go forward
By #41858 at 05,Feb,14 23:40
Yeah, I've been fooled a few times

By #285354 at 05,Feb,14 20:11
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Yes, some uncut cocks look cut when hard. My foreskin is not a long as others. I guess I might look uncut to some.
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Cut that is

By #118690 at 04,Feb,14 22:33
Yes, mine does, the skin is just below the head, and does go back up when i am hard, women think i am cut
By JeffinKS at 04,Feb,14 22:40 other posts of JeffinKS 
very nice....

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