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intimate surgical scars

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Started by #445311 at 08,Feb,14 21:30
my wife has had an operation on her right breast as a result of the dreaded big C does any other member have any scars on their bodies that are not seen in every day life, and how do they affect you, my wife goes topless on holiday and has had a few stares

Similar topics: 1.Surgical penis enlargement   2.circumcision scars   3.Anyone find circ scars a turn on?   4.vascectomy scars   5.Could you be intimate with someone that has bad breath or body odor?  

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By #518391 at 26,Jul,17 09:50
I have a scar where I was circumcised 8 years ago....only usually seen in the bedroom and locker room,,
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By #201583 at 04,Apr,14 15:54
I had varicocele repair on the left testicle. The asshole surgeon said he would come in from below to avoid a visible scar. I came around in the recovery room and wanted his head on a pike when I seen the wad of bandages on my pelvis. They had to hold me down and sedate me to prevent me from ripping my stitches out, and to prevent murder when he told me someone else did the surgery and he forgot to mention my distaste of scars to him. Now I have a nasty 4 inch scar in the left center of my pelvis.
I personally don't care what people think of me or my body, my scars only effect me.

By Odin_york_pa at 20,Feb,14 03:15 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
If you look closely enough on my balls, you will see a scar down the middle of each side. When I was 18 I had surgery to fix what they call torsion of the testicles. Extremely painful, they have to go in and staple the cord to prevent it from wrapping around its' self. Mostly everyone is born with something that prevents that, I however was not. They were able to save the one that got wrapped around itself before any real damage was done, so I don't really have any negative effect on performance. Therefore has no affect on my day to day duties, just 2 light scars no one has really even mentioned to me in real life.
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By #360796 at 18,Feb,14 21:32
Hope she has a great and continued recovery, They're not intimate but growing up, I was a real piece of shit, and various fights left me with some scars, a stab wound and scar caused by a gunshot, that dug along the out side of my right thigh.

By #61033 at 09,Feb,14 06:18
I had a hernia op when 7 years old that left quite a large scar. You can see it on my right side just above my penis.
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By #358797 at 08,Feb,14 22:07
I have a scar on my side by my hip. Got stabbed, and it healed odd. The skin is darker there than on the rest of me. I always dread taking my shirt off cuz its quite visible. I've been asked about it a few times. I usually just say its a surgery scar.

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