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Fuck Anon Chat

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Started by #132188 at 03,May,14 11:50
Yep I'm back and just wondering why anon chat is back? I'm not worried about member's grievances or attacks but being a dad of 4.. 3 grown up I'm appalled going into unmoderated chat to find this dumb assed message. 07:19 anonymous688: 68m here,Love to have Ur Infant Suck me. Fuck this Shit I mean who the Fuck even jokes about this. The f@#$er will be found but let's get rid of it. Like it was before at least some accountability, the fights still here so let's stop that Shit like ISP can but choose not too

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New Comment

By #249167 at 03,May,14 20:13
I do agree with Deviant - remove the anon chat. It has never been a hugely popular area. Fights will always occur, but at least a name should be able to be put to the typist ( albeit possibly a fake one, but that is another matter)
It may also help to bring some accountability if filth like described above begins to infest this site.

By #388818 at 03,May,14 11:57
Deviant, I couldn't agree with you more. I entered the chat probably around the same time you did, and found the same message, which seemed really offensive. Of course, the fact that this site is public and anyone can access makes it "viable" for **** like that one...
It's really a shame...

Adult Discussion Forum