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I came a different way

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Started by #136427 at 04,Jun,14 20:43
the wife was asleep. So I had to take matters into my own hands. I began to pound one out. I decided to hold my.breath for as long as I could whilest jacking off. It felt good. I edged a bit and jerked some more . I was almost ready to cum so I took a deep breath and held it. And held it, I let go of my cock and held my breath. My cock started to throb I was struggling to keep from taking a breath when all of a sudden I fucking shot my load all over myself. I came so hard, I gasped for air dripping in cum. Next time I jerk off I am.going.to try this again to see if it was a fluke. has anyone cum like that?

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By #457685 at 05,Jun,14 12:26
And safer!
By #23212 at 07,Jun,14 00:54
So, do you mean it is "safer" than waking up his wife to play together, or safer than some other kinds of 'breath play'?
By #136427 at 14,Jun,14 00:49
Definetly safer than waking the old lady, she works early in the am. Got to sex it up early or its a solo night

By #281008 at 14,Jun,14 00:47
yeah I came home a different way than I normally do

By #356013 at 04,Jun,14 20:50
Excuse my ignorance, but I think this is what is known as auto-erotic-asphyxiation.....or rather, a close cousin of it. I have heard of people doing this before though I myself have never tried it.
By #136427 at 05,Jun,14 12:02
I thought the same, but like you say different as I am not choking myself. Just holding my breath. Its a lot less weirf this way!

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