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Guess the Size game: how good are you at guessing size from sight?

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Started by #436014 at 21,Dec,14 08:48
Guess both length and girth.

We'll start with mine, let's get some guesses and then I'll reveal the measurements.

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New Comment

By #482678 at 27,Jan,15 08:33
mine is pretty easy,I'm sure Im pretty average. too bad I'm new and forgot to post a pic , so you will have to go look.

By #481583 at 05,Jan,15 00:33

By metalraven13 at 21,Dec,14 14:53 other posts of metalraven13 
[deleted image]

How about mine?
By #436014 at 26,Dec,14 19:20
looks different in various of your pics, and you've got tape-measure shots as well, so now it's biased. um, from this shot above i'd say about 6.3 x 5. in other shots it definitely looks smaller (and your tape-measure length shot digs down into your pubic fat which is improper to do )
By metalraven13 at 26,Dec,14 22:46 other posts of metalraven13 
I've measured the length from around 5.8" to around 6.2"
Yeah it is 5" around.

By #455846 at 26,Dec,14 20:09
Hmmm ^ ^ 6.5 " length x 5" girth ?

By #446733 at 21,Dec,14 15:30
[deleted image]
By #436014 at 26,Dec,14 19:14
length and girth both about 4.7

By #477982 at 22,Dec,14 11:11
[deleted image]
Cupar: To my untrained eye, it looks like a 6x5.5...
By #436014 at 26,Dec,14 19:12
yours looks different lenghts in different pics, i'd say between 7 and 7.5 length, maybe 5.5 girth tops

By #371590 at 24,Dec,14 08:24
Guess mine

I never measured my girth so it'll be ok with just the length

[deleted image]
By #436014 at 26,Dec,14 19:10
looks like a solid 8 length and about 5.5 mid-shaft

By #311144 at 24,Dec,14 18:49
What about mine?

By #436014 at 26,Dec,14 19:09
this one's unusual with such a high length:girth ratio. it looks like maybe 9 length and 5.5 girth mid-shaft

By #465712 at 24,Dec,14 22:02
[deleted image]
By #436014 at 26,Dec,14 19:08
about 8 length and fucking huge girth, over 6 and maybe 6.5. wanna post a tape measure shot of both? girth especially

By #436014 at 24,Dec,14 00:01
mine is 6 x 5

By youngjpcock at 22,Dec,14 14:41 other posts of youngjpcock 

6.7 length

By #460523 at 21,Dec,14 23:01
7x5 horny??

By #64328 at 21,Dec,14 18:10
My guess is 5.9 x 4.75

By jayman73 at 21,Dec,14 13:47 other posts of jayman73 

How about mine?
By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 14:31
from that picture it looks thinner than your others, based on those as well i'd say 5.5 x 4.5

By #472625 at 21,Dec,14 14:11
How about mine?

[deleted image]
By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 14:27
7.3 x 5.2 can i have that squirt in my throat please

By jayman73 at 21,Dec,14 13:46 other posts of jayman73 
6.5 x 5

By #464410 at 21,Dec,14 12:42
anyone want to have a guess at mine?
[deleted image]
By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 12:52
6.5 x 5.4 definitely vag-and-mouth-tease territory i'm gettin hard
By #464410 at 21,Dec,14 13:28
glad you like, dude, 7.5 by 6.3 to be precise!
By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 13:42
i'd like to see pics of your cock along with measuring instrument so we can all verify that 6 inches around is getting to be really hard to put your whole hand around...

By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 13:44
i'd like to see pics of your cock along with measuring instrument so we can all verify that 6 inches around is getting to be really hard to put your hand around...

your cock is BIG, no question, but the dimensions you cite are bordering on HUGE

By #81191 at 21,Dec,14 13:38
Here is mine complete with skin [deleted image]

By #443664 at 21,Dec,14 10:13
[deleted image]
By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 10:20
5.1 x 3.7, a pretty thin cock - maybe 3.5 girth

By #475905 at 21,Dec,14 09:41
6 inch.
By #436014 at 21,Dec,14 10:03
girth estimate too please

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