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Virgin Ass

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Started by #377789 at 24,Mar,15 03:01
I have never been fucked in the ass. What is it like? Tell me your first story. And do older guys like younger men like me?

Similar topics: 1.VIRGIN   2.which excite you most to fuck a virgin or non-virgin   3.Virgin!!!!   4.virgin   5.Any woman want my virgin cock?  

New Comment

By #487016 at 01,Apr,15 04:54
I want to know too! I heard that it hurts from a couple of people. Is it true?
By Fritz at 01,Apr,15 08:23 other posts of Fritz 
It only hurts if an idiot is fucking you. No it does not, it is fantastic and gives you the Feelings a women has when she get fucked. It Needs just a few things:
1. Good oil or creme
2. gentle stretching with first one and then two and so on fingers
3. A healthy guy and or a condom
4. Relaxation
5. tender push, very slowly until it goes in easy
6. when it is well in and you are relaxed he can then fuck you hard
By #485312 at 05,Aug,15 09:20
good details fritz, l think men and women have different feelings, you guys have the added advantage of a prostate...l think you have it better than us girls...l love anal too and lm jealous, lm sure you get more intense sensations .... l good rim job is the best way to get relaxed, having someones tongue in you makes you want it more...and how about a blow up plug, that feels sensational too *lix*

By Fritz at 31,Mar,15 12:59 other posts of Fritz 
there is only one Thing hotter than getting fucked up the ass, to be French kissed by a strong hairy man
By #377789 at 01,Apr,15 03:20
Ew that does not sound good
By Fritz at 01,Apr,15 08:18 other posts of Fritz 
it is fantastic

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