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Why do people freak out when talking to couples if the guy wants to talk?

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Started by #499472 at 17,Oct,15 02:26
Seriously it's beyond ridiculous...we've had several instances where a girl will be chatting with me (I'm the female) about hooking up with us and all kinds of hot and nasty stuff and as soon as I let him chat, they clam up and run and never speak to us again...seriously if you're going to hook up with a couple do you expect the male half to be a deaf mute and a hard dick?

Similar topics: 1.Talking During Sex. anyone? girs/couples/guys???   3.How many of you like cum4steffi   4.My girlfriend may be into girls   5.Is there an option to block people from outside the USA from viewing my profile?  

New Comment

By stiffone4u at 19,Oct,15 04:35 other posts of stiffone4u 
I chat to anyone in the a couple.

By big9inch21 at 17,Oct,15 08:56 other posts of big9inch21 
Talk too us
By #495558 at 17,Oct,15 18:32
@Big... I talk to you guys like every single day
By big9inch21 at 17,Oct,15 20:28 other posts of big9inch21 
Do we know you?

By #485312 at 17,Oct,15 06:27
I save my talking for the dudes, lm not bi so girls have nothing that turns me on except their partner. Im not keen when the missus tells me what her man thinks, ld rather he got on and told me.

By #316057 at 17,Oct,15 02:38

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