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Started by Spielpimmel at 30,Dec,16 09:31  other posts of Spielpimmel
Take a look at 'Who is on the side' .
There is shown, how many members want to chat.
Should be a count of numbers.
Add these numbers as often as necessary to have one single number left.
That's your lottery-number.
Wait a minute. Then refresh the site. Build 2nd number.
1st number is your prize.

1&2&3&4 - Balls to the walls:
Tie your balls over your cock/tie your tits together.
Get in front of a wall.
Get distance to the wall.
1-3 Balls: 2 inch/5cm
Tits: 4inch/10cm
4-6 Balls: 4inch/10cm
Tits: 8inch/20cm

5&6&7 - Fingerslap:
Put your thumb on your middlefingers nail.
Then slap your tip/clit.
1&2 once
3&4 twice
5&6 trice

8&9 - Piercing:
Pierce your tip/clit by a tin needle. No need for a deep/long stitch.
1-4 1 needle
5&6 2 needles

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