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Started by #502711 at 09,Feb,17 07:19
I want everyone to post their recommendations for good movies about sex or that has lots of nudity & sex in it. Not porno's, but actual movies & or TV shows.

Here some i've seen that I can think of:

1) This one is first because i've never seen a movie like it before. It's almost a porno, if not for the storyline. I fell in love with this movie the first time I watched it & I recommend it. Good acting & good cinematography for an older type movie. Was made in the 70's, starring Malcom McDowell as Caligula.

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2) I fucking LOVE this show. Spartacus would have been number one if Caligula wasn't so full on. But, this has to be one of my favorite shows. I came for the masculine, testosterone fueled action. I stayed for the tits & arse. This show is awesome. It's got something for both guys & girls. You want half naked/ naked men wrestling each other with their cocks waving about everywhere? Then you're in luck. You want tits & gash in your face? No problem. Fighting, fucking & fun, you won't be disappointed.

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3) I couldn't think of many movies like these 3, but I hope i've given you all a good selection to watch tonight.
Boogie Nights. This is a true story about old school 70's male porn star Eddie Adam's AKA Dirk Diggler. The story is great & obviously has lots of sex & nudity. A good movie to watch with a bottle of whiskey ready to do shots everytime you see a nipple.

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Please post your recommendations too. I have been trying to find more movies like these to watch.

Have a good one, people

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By #502711 at 28,Jun,17 11:34
A good documentary about the porn industry: only registered users can see external links

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