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What do girls like about this site???

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Started by #526289 at 30,Mar,17 00:40
I'm clueless about sexing here...without my good looks working for me seems I'm powerless to get anything going...would live to know how to get your attention and ehat gets you going here...the idea turns me on

Similar topics: 1.To all girls here... (and why not, the ones pretending to be too)   2.South African girls?   3.young boy into older girls   4.Hot girls   5.SKYPY ID .....ONLY FOR GIRLS.....  

New Comment

By #485312 at 30,Mar,17 01:28
personally, l love full body nudes and daring shots do it for me, and you shouldn't expect much from any site when it comes to picking up girls, girls aren't like men for the most part, they want to see your face, not your dick from a hundred angles, and if they want a date, they go to a dating site... to get attention here, you have to put yourself out there and spend points voting on others pics, for main page pics or banner pics, you have to interact with hundreds of people by messaging, write great blogs about your sexual experiences with others... and then the trolls will call you an attention seeker lol, that's how it works here... youre not powerless, its just hard to get hold of women when men out number us 20 to one, if youre gay or bi, its too easy, but for straight guys like yourself, its very slim pickings, just be patient and be nice to the blokes too as theyre the ones that will compliment and give you attention here... and STAY SEXY *LIX*
By #526289 at 30,Mar,17 02:58

By DJS at 30,Mar,17 11:00 other posts of DJS 
Excellent reply LSS
By #485312 at 31,Mar,17 08:13
its my opinion only, others might have a different one or three *lix*

Adult Discussion Forum