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Busted my 17-day load!

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Started by #550094 at 30,Apr,18 22:16
Finally busted my 17-day load yesterday afternoon...
...after a few hours of lengthy slow edging.
it felt soOo GOOD! And the orgasm didn't stress my
surgery sutures!

But my record Longest for holding my load was 25 days
early last year. Unfortunately I wasted it on a lousy
cocksucker who had a frog-tight ass.

Went back to work today with no problems; then I
went to see my doctor later in the afternoon for
a follow-up... all bandages have been removed,
and my sutures are healing rather quickly.
My pelt is growing back, now past the stubble stage
although still too short to call it "fur". -lol-

...over all, I feel good from this recovery
since my surgery almost three weeks ago.
I bought myself an infra-red massage wand---
---can't wait to tease my cock with it tonight!

SoOo... how long can YOU guys hold your loads?

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New Comment

By #550094 at 02,May,18 01:17
Although I enjoy Abstinence as a fetish, I try my best
not to abuse it.
There are times when I jerk off almost every night for
3 or four days, and then I go into abstinence.
Jerking Off has its health merits; so it's good to
release loads whenever the mood strikes.

In case anyone was wondering, my surgery was for
a perforated ulcer... a sharp end of bowel broke
through an ulcer, causing internal bleeding and the
spilling of stomach/intestinal contents and acids
to spill throughout the interior bowel region
inside the abdomen. It's VERY AGONIZING, and it also
effects breathing to a point of suffocating, because
some abdominal muscle tissue is also torn or
acid-burned thus making it difficult to breath in.

If it hadn't been for my next-door housemate who
called the ambulance right away, I would have been
dead on the floor.
By Toasty at 14,May,18 01:46 other posts of Toasty 
Woah! Glad you survived it

By Toasty at 02,May,18 21:38 other posts of Toasty 
I used to hold it for two weeks, when I finally then got to ejaculate, my cum had some small lump like things in it
But it's probably not serious. There wasn't much and it doesn't happen while cumming regular amounts per week or something.
By #550094 at 03,May,18 02:48
small lump things in your cum?
THIS is the first time I've heard of such a thing.

Keep a close eye on it, and if it happens more often
please go see a doctor about it right away.
The sooner the better, and you just might prevent
it from turning into a health problem if you
catch notice of it early on.
By Toasty at 13,May,18 21:33 other posts of Toasty 
Well thanks for the concern but it happened noticably only that one time and then further looking up if people have had similar condition, I found that it's nothing to worry about

By Darthshame at 01,May,18 04:30 other posts of Darthshame 
Glad your on the mend. I can only last a little over a week. Otherwise I have wet dreams still, even at my age. I have to regularly service myself when no females are available.

By #502711 at 01,May,18 03:38
Glad to read you're OK... My longest restraint from Cummings is about two weeks. I love saving up for as long as I can & then having a good long edging session with an e-stim & some good porn

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