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Started by #7794 at 14,Mar,09 14:04
doyou know how to measure your balls ?

Similar topics: 1.Balls!   2.Kicking in my balls?   3.Big balls   4.Stretching Balls by vacuum pumping   5.ballstretching  

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By Pauli at 26,Aug,09 16:44 other posts of Pauli 
Size doesn't matter! Important is what they deliver!

By #7976 at 16,Mar,09 00:24
Why would you want to? However, I suppose you could measure the length of your scrotum from base to bottom or capture one and use a tape measure to determine the circumfurance of its width and length. You could do the same thing with a caliper or micrometer for thickness less scrotum thickness if you dare. However, I still have to ask, Why?
By #7976 at 19,Mar,09 03:02
I had an afterthought.... I measure my balls by their effectiveness. I have two wonderful children so I consider them to be big enough.
By #8288 at 19,Mar,09 06:15
That was "GOOD". ;D
By #7976 at 26,Mar,09 01:35
Much appreciated.

By #9210 at 25,Mar,09 20:02
Mine are a handful...good enough? LOL

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