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friends dad

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Started by #552392 at 28,Jul,18 02:42
My friends step dad rubbed both our cocks when i stayed over. He had a friend over when I was there once, they stripped me naked and touched me. The 2 men then stripped my friend naked in front of me and used toys in his ass. They then took their big cocks out and slapped me with them, **** their stinky cocks in my mouth one by one. They tied me up and fucked my friend while I watched. Another man arrived and played with my cock. My friend was left on the floor and the men untied me and took me to the bedroom. The one guy spread my legs wide apart and slid his cock in my ass making me squeel and beg. The other 2 men made me stroke their cocks. I was then placed on hands and knees and fuckdd by the next guy. He was rough and forcefull making me cry. After they all had a turn they left y

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