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Seattle, Portland

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Started by #583088 at 30,Mar,19 14:49
Hi,, I was seeing on the news of cities Seattle Portland San-Francisco, Los Angeles is running an epidemic of plagues that have resurfaced from human excrement on the streets and in the parks of each city.
Flea-borne typhus outbreak, rats taking over Los Angeles city buildings. Can this be verified, how bad is it and what can be done to prevent.
Our country is being divided by hatred and is falling apart. Sounds like the apocalypse is approaching to me.

Similar topics: 1.BEST BOYS CLUB / BATH HOUSE   2.BEST PLACES 2 SUX COCK   3.BEST PLACE TO SUCK COCK   4.any one from seattle?   5.YOUR LOCATIONS......WHERE DO WE ALL LIVE ?  

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