Started by #5273 at 10,Feb,10 02:49
 | could i get some genrous donations from friendly members of this great site so i can acumulate 200 points. i currently have 96 points so i only need a hundred. i would much appreciate any donations.
i need this donation because i was banned from the chat wall. now i know thats my fauult but let me let u in on the situation following my ban. i had just been cheated on by my gf and was in a really bad move obviously. and some stupid ass( forgot his name) was talling shit after i shared my story, i cussed him out vulgarly and was banned by him and his friends! now i really like this site and i really dont want to wate 2 whole weeks to communicate to the other members on this site.
So if u could pls just donate some points i would love u forever!! |
......'It's better to keep your mouth shut and seem a fool....
.....Than to open it and prove that you are'.....